34 The Mission (1/1)
Pov Change [Third Person] Salems Throne Room
Salem walked around in her new young tiny body, she despised ever bit of it, she loathed her new form. She hated how some outsider who looked liked a young Ozpin had destroyed half of her castle and transformed her into a child's body by just one single powerful attack. Every fiber in her body wanted Shadow dead, but she knew how much of an important weapon he was when facing Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy.
”It is time to put forth my plan in motion, Arthur Watts come to my throne room this instant!” Salem demands him through her Seer Grimm orb which could see everything in the castle.
Arthur entered Salem's destroyed and shattered throne room with a surprised look on his face, ”What has happened here? And what happened to your body?” He says in a calm and collected tone as slowly walks over to the loli Salem with his hands behind his back.Arthur Watts was a tall middle-aged man with a slim build and slightly tanned skin. He also has short black and gray hair as well as a mustache and emerald eyes. For his attire, he wore a gray overcoat with yellow linings, a yellow dress shirt, and a black necktie.
Salem: ”I am not sure myself, but there is someone who did this to me, his powers are remarkable and is something I have never seen before, his powers alone turned me into this wretched form. I don't know his origins or where he came from!” She guzzles down wine from her crystal chalice in a bothered and flustered fashion, it was odd to see a child version of Salem drinking an acholic beverage.
Arthur places both of hands on top of the wooden chairs near Salem's throne chair which was made of Grimm bones and then speaks with a raspy intellectual voice, ”Whoever this boy is, will feel my wrath if he does not return you to your original form.” He cracked the wooden chair in half with his sheer strength and kinetic abilities(His semblance is yet to be known, however, one can say that his Grand Unlimited Knowledge was his semblance).
”There is no need for that. What we must do is plan for our attack on Beacon Academy approximately in one year after the first semester is done.” Salem sits on her throne and crosses one of her slender sexy thick legs, even in her loli-form she was still as fearsome and seductive as ever. As expected of the Goddess of Darkness.
”We don't we attack now?” Cinder enters the throne room with a wide grin on her face as her high-heels clink on the rocky ground below. She was still in heat after what she had done to Shadow in her bedroom.
”Because that would be stupid and reckless of us, but I assume you are already familiar with these very traits.” Authur insults Cinder with a scolding glare of his green eyes.
”Oh, so I see that Salem's favorite old geezer has arrived, careful with your petty insults you wouldn't want to die of old age from them.” Cinder smirks in a sly way as her raven hair dangles over one of her amber eyes.
”Well with age comes manners, knowledge, and respect, something you would've never known your whole life. You filthy witch.” Arthur calmly tucks up his brown leather jacket collar and sits down near Salem.
Salem: ”Enough of your worthless banter. Tell me Cinder why are you here? If I recall I gave you specific orders to guard over our newest member.
”Don't worry that is already taken care of. Trust me.” Cinder licks her lips and pours herself a bottle of wine.
”How disgusting. How many more pets will you bring in to our faction?” Arthur lies back on his wooden chair and pulls out a cigarette from his jacket's pocket and lights it up with his semblance device( A scroll wrist-watch) by snapping his fingers and forming small sparks of flames on his fingertips. He then tinkers with his advance modified scroll which could simulated images and code. He was a former scientist of great knowledge and power.
”Grrrr, they are not my pets! They are merely my subordinates who I will train to become stronger.” Cinder growls as she clenched her fist, her red dress-gloves almost burst into flames. She disliked Arthur Watt's high and mighty smart ass attitude.
Salem shakes her head with complete annoyance of the two fighting and then slams her palms violently against the wooden table, ”I said tell me why are you here.” She snarls as she gave Cinder a death stare that was impossible to not be afraid of. It made Cinder's heart sink.
”I-I” Cinder shutters.
”Out with it child!” Salem's patience is slowly breaking like cracked icicles.
”I believe I have a plan to take down Ozpin and take over Beacon Academy and Vale, as well as retrieving the Fall Maiden's powers,” Cinder stands up more confidently and started walking around the throne room with her hands at her side.
”Tell me about this plan.” Salem drinks more wine, she was going to need it.