39 Are You Willing? (1/2)

The reason why Zamira did not doubt the purity of Konrad's demonic blood was simple. Only pureblooded demons could resonate with totems, absorb, and refine their powers into their own.

While totems usually served as defensive artifacts, that wasn't their only purpose. Their mainstream use was to serve as offerings for the Demon Gods worshipped by the barbarians. They were also used to earn the favor of summoned demons who could then grant them rewards and wishes matching the totem's quality.

Thus, Konrad who currently was refining the Anzu Beast totem could only be a true demon.

”But how can this be…?”

Zamira couldn't understand how her newly received son-in-law had suddenly turned into a pureblooded demon. Even within the Barbarian Continent, successful demon summoning was a rare sight requiring countless preparation. As for the Holy Continent, with the control of the Celestial Church, it had been millennia since a demon appeared in its midst.

”Konrad, Konrad!”

Iliana who didn't understand what was going on desperately shook the dazed Konrad, but to no avail.

She then turned a gaze filled with puzzlement and worry toward her mother who didn't seem too concerned by the strange situation.

”What's going on?!”

To Iliana's apparent apprehension, Zamira replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.

”Leave, and make sure no one steps inside this study until we walk out of it.”

Zamira ordered, and Iliana didn't dare delay. Her father might be tolerant toward the barbarians, but should he become aware of a demon's presence within his household, he would execute him before asking any question.

As soon as Iliana went past the door, Zamira released an energy field to restrain Konrad's overflowing demonic energy. Preventing it from leaking to the outside, then observed his transformation in silence.

Flame, water, and storm clouds swirled around him as the tattoo of a lion-headed eagle beast appeared on the right side of his chest. The refinement of his bones, flesh, and blood was coming to an end, causing his entire body to glitter within the elemental clouds like a sublime gem.

The clouds then merged with his tattoo, coloring it into a mixture of red and blue. After which all the phenomenon disappeared, and the only proof left of Konrad's demonic nature was his still glowing violet eyes.

He had now obtained a Transcendent Level Anzu Beast Physique and three new attributes. Thus, although his cultivation had not risen, his strength underwent a qualitative leap. Beneath the Transcendent Rank, not many could injure him.

And when they turned toward Zamira, his eyes no longer appeared blank. However, for some reason, she felt like it wasn't Konrad that was staring at her, but an ancient, lofty creature awakened from its slumber.

”Why are you not kneeling?”

The voice seemed very similar to Konrad's, but the tone carried a regal air and a dictatorial power that forced obedience.

It was the Flame Mark's voice. And as soon as it echoed, within the entire Kracht mansion, time stopped fluctuating.

Instinctively, Zamira fell on her knees with her eyes locked onto the ground, not daring to look into Konrad's.

”Greetings Infernal Master! My apologies for my lack of courtesy!”

Within the Barbarian Continent, demons were known as the Infernal Masters whose will all should obey. Naturally, Zamira, a former barbarian chieftain, held them in awe.

”You may rise. I have accepted your offering. State your wish. As long as it is within my ability to grant and the scope of your gift, grant it I shall.”

Hearing those words, Zamira's entire body trembled from excitement. This was an opportunity, the type of opportunity she had been yearning for across all those decades.

”I only have one wish. That is to rescue the enslaved people of my tribe and rebuild it within the Barbarian Continent!”

She proclaimed while remaining on her knees. But the Flame Mark possessed Konrad negatively shook his head.

”That wish is far beyond the scope of your gift. If you want me to grant it, you must offer more. Much more.”

”For the sake of restoring all you lost, what are you willing to give?”

The Flame Mark's overpowering voice caused a new bout of tremors within Zamira's body. Slowly, she lifted her gaze from the ground and locked it on that shimmering violet pair that produced unexpected reactions within her body.

”First, may I ask what caste and house your excellency belongs to?”

Before making a contract, in the rare cases where the demon was of unknown origin, such a question was common knowledge, and among the few things, demons were obliged to answer to honestly. They would not take offense.

”Demon Prince, House of Talroth.”