36 Iliana’s Night R-18 (1/2)

The rest of the night was eventful, with Konrad working on taking down the vigilance of his mother-in-law while not forgetting to tease Iliana.

As the feast came to an end, and the servants started removing the dishes, Konrad brazenly followed Iliana back toward her chambers.

In the meantime, Wolfgang walked into his study with Zamira by his side.

”Tell me the truth. Why did you choose that boy? Was it only for the Holy Flame Baptism?”

Having known him for decades, she didn't believe Konrad's cultivation was the only thing that grabbed his attention.

And indeed, she wasn't wrong.

”What is Iliana's greatest challenge at the moment?”

”With the rise of her status, many sons of margraves and dukes that do not stand to inherit land will try to woe…”

And suddenly, Zamira's eyes shone with enlightenment.

”Right. In the past, they disdained her and didn't wish to bring her lack of legitimacy into their households. But now that she's my heir, many of those that don't stand to inherit land will be willing to court her and marry into house Kracht for the sake of our lands, assets, and wealth.

This is a rare opportunity. Thus, among those nobles, even the younger sons of margraves and dukes will be willing to fight for her. But if it were only that, I would not be afraid.

The problem is…that the Von Jurgen will also want a slice of the pie. In fact, I have no doubt that the ninth prince will be ordered by the Holy Emperor to obtain her hand!

The law protects the sons of nobility against imperial marriages. But the same cannot be said for daughters. If we do not arrange something soon, the ninth prince will knock on our doorsteps with a marriage decree. At that time, house Kracht's tens of thousands of years of accumulations will fall into the hands of the Von Jurgen!”

Wolfgang gravely explained.

”That being the case, we might as well quickly let her marry a man of her own choosing. That Konrad's talent is earthshaking and he seems to have a profound connection to the Empress. House Kvass has always been our backer, so there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, I have no doubt he's someone that dares go against the imperial family. This is the kind of son-in-law we need.

Else cannot be allowed to rule the Holy Flame Empire, but neither can Olrich Von Jurgen! The longer he reigns, the greater the danger this country faces!

Thus, he must be overthrown!”


Meanwhile, Iliana was sitting on her well-preserved bed, and enjoying its warm touch. A touch she'd almost forgotten. However, a certain intruder prevented her from thoroughly relishing the moment.

Naturally, that intruder was Konrad. He was currently lying with the back of his head on Iliana's lap and humming a twenty-first-century tune.

”Do you really not know the meaning of propriety? How can you so brazenly walk into a lady's room and rest on her lap?!”

”If the lady allows my presence, and let me rest on her lap, how can I refuse?”

He nonchalantly replied.

”Are you not afraid that I will push you down?”

”Nah, I know you don't have the heart to do it?”


”You prove my conceit right.”

Their brief exchange ended with Konrad extending his right hand toward Iliana's face and stroking her cheek with his bent index.

”I will come to visit you tonight. I reserve myself the time. If you leave your window open, I will take it as an invitation. If you keep it closed, I will take it as a no. The choice is yours.”

”Who will leave th…”

But she didn't have time to answer before he rose from her lap and walked past the door, leaving her alone and annoyed.


She cursed and rolled back into her bedsheets.

Activity within the mansion soon died down, with the sound of footsteps being replaced by the quiet of night. But Iliana couldn't sleep. She walked back and forth within her bedroom, dressed in a frilly black nightgown while gnawing her right thumbnail.

”What am I hesitating for? I should just go to sleep.”

She muttered but still couldn't stop circling the room.

”That hateful boy can't be allowed to keep having his way. Otherwise, in the future, how can I breathe?”

Still, she didn't stop.

”Hum…it's a bit warm in here. Maybe I should leave the window open…just a little…just for fresh air…”

And so she opened the window, leaving a large enough gap for a cool breeze to sip in, then slipped back into her bedsheets.

Still, she couldn't sleep. Her heart drumming with a mixture of expectation and apprehension as the minutes passed and no sign of intrusion could be heard.

Like that, an hour went by. An hour that turned Iliana into an emotional rollercoaster. But when she still saw no sign of Konrad's form, her heart soured.

”Maybe he was just playing a prank on me…”