28 When Five Words Crash All Your Plans (1/2)

”The nerves! Who the hell are you?!”

Submitting to Konrad was one thing, being verbally abused by a nobody was another. As a pureblooded golden-eyed lioness, if there was one thing Freya didn't tolerate, it was being disrespected by those she deemed inferior. And while Jasmine's cultivation had risen to the first step True Knight Rank, Freya didn't put her in her eyes.

”Your new mistress!”

Jasmine announced with complacent glee. But at that time, Konrad chose to bring her back to earth.

”Actually, if Freya can complete her task, I might promote her.”

”I'm the master of the contracts and can adjust them however I wish to.”

”Meaning that I can also modify yours if I wish to.”

”Do I wish to…?”

Konrad murmured while rubbing his beardless chin, and his words caused Jasmine to unfasten his neck and stare at him with stupor.

”You…tricked me!”

She complained while aiming her now wobbling index at his self-satisfied face.

”I am a demon!”

”Tricking is my birthright!”

That girl was too brazen. If he didn't start putting some shackles here and there, wouldn't she try to overturn the world?

Wanting to deprive me of my beauties? In your dreams!

I will have you, and I will also have them!

”Now that you've joined my household, you cannot escape. So, you might as well make the best of it. Think of this as a test of virtue. If you perform well enough, who knows what will happen in the future?”

Initially, Freya had been incensed by Jasmine's rude and possessive behavior. But now all discomfort had been replaced by deep satisfaction.A woman's status in a polygamous husband's house often depended on the dowry she brought.

She was going to bring more than fifty million purple crystals!

Could that little maid compare?

”When I'm promoted and my cultivation restored, I will properly deal with you!”

She inwardly swore with a radiant smile.

And Konrad who had unobstructed access to her thoughts couldn't help but blink.

”Hum, hum. Back to proper business. For how long is your pass valid?”

The reason why Freya could come and go within the palace was that thanks to Else, she had obtained an imperial pass. That pass was only granted to women that had strong connections to the inner court and could only be used for a certain amount of time.

Past the deadline, renewal was necessary.

Freya had been using hers for some time already and should be close to its expiration date.

”I still have three weeks.”

”That's more than enough.”

While she completed the task, he would make some additional arrangements and gather as many resources as he could.

”It's unfortunate that I have to leave this female paradise so soon…oh well, to enjoy beauty, you first need to breathe.”

Although he managed to keep his neck so far, Konrad didn't want to take extra chances. Even if he held no interest in the faraway Barbarian Continent, he wasn't going to sit and wait for the Holy Flame Church to come knocking on his doorstep.

How was that different from courting death?

He could return with great pomp when he was powerful enough!

The girls were sent on their respective ways with Jasmine still fuming and pondering her future course of actions.

Konrad then woke Ralph and Alan, his two eunuch subordinates and gave them errands.

”Ralph, your job is to contact Hans for a new business opportunity. This time, tell him to get ready for an auction. But the goods are not things he can take responsibility for so he should prepare accordingly. Just tell him that we're going a full grade higher and insist on the plural of ”the goods.” I give him four days and will send someone to deliver them when he's ready.”

”As for you Alan, I want you to obtain a complete map of the imperial palace as well as the hierarchy and cultivation levels of guards at key locations. The more you can find the better. You have three days.”

The imperial palace was not a mill. You couldn't get out because you wanted to. And even with Konrad's current cultivation level, escaping it would be no simple feat.

Hearing his task, Alan was puzzled.

”Are you trying to smuggle something in or…”

But the glower he received from Konrad shoved the rest of his words back down his throat.

”I hope I do not need to remind you of the importance of discretion. Execute these tasks well, and I will handsomely reward you.”

It seemed he attached extreme importance to those tasks. That being the case, there surely was great wealth to obtain!

”Rest assured that we will not fail you!”

They proclaimed and immediately went on their ways to tend to the tasks. As for the kitchen shifts…to hell with that!

For the sake of great wealth, they could certainly endure some punishment! In any case, the weather was not that good recently. It was time to call in sick!

And seeing them disperse, Konrad no longer wasted another second and headed toward the embroidery department to meet Iliana.

With the news of her new status having spread, her treatment had undergone drastic changes. The title of maid was removed and replaced with that of Honored Palace Guest. She also received an entire courtyard and several maids to attend to her daily needs.

But although on the outside it appeared this change was out of consideration for her changed status, it was nothing more than a new way of monitoring her.

If they truly wished to show consideration, they could have just sent her back to her household.