3 Chapter 3 – Mischief of the young gods (2/2)
”So what do you all say? Let's make him our first champion! The adults will never let us get anyone if we don't.” Athena couldn't help but vent her frustration and say. They were young and hadn't even learnt the extent of their power. It would be foolish if anyone let them take in a champion. ”it's our only chance!”
”big sister whats a champion?” Eros the youngest was puzzled by this new word ”do we eat it or play with it?”
”hahaha” All the three older kids couldn't help but laugh at how cute and ignorant the little Eros was.
”A champion is someone who protects your honour! Fights in your name and in return you bestow them a bit of your power to show your acknowledgement of their deeds and capabilities” Artemis repeated word for word of what she was told by one of their elders.
”that's so cool!” Eros's eyes began to twinkle.
”Isn't it? So who wants to go first?” Athena asked.
”how do we do it though? I mean… how do we impart our power to this soul?” Apollo couldn't help but ask. They were too young and hadn't been told anything about the specifics just to avoid any such circumstances.
”hehe, leave it to me!” but how could the crafty little Athena give up so easily. ” let me give it a try. Its just giving power. How hard can it be? We are also god's!” putting her palm on the glowing orb she felt a warmth surge through her. Feeling around the soul with her mind, she eventually managed to tap into its memories. ”oh you made something interesting, didn't you?”
”Sister, is he a good candidate?” Artemis couldn't help but ask.
”He's smart! Also very interesting.” Athena was always more fond of smart people and this soul seemed to be just to her liking. ”I'll use my power to make your creation a reality!” Her eyes twinkling like the stars.
Delving into her primal core she slowly tore a small part of it and sent it into the soul. ”Ah!” she was instantly jolted with immense pain but she continued with the process with all her concentration. She took a whole hour in total. By this time she was sweating profusely and just as she was about to collapse, she yelled ”done!” Taking a step back she sat down on the fluffy floor exhausted.
The other three were staring at her intently the whole time and seeing her fall back they rushed to her. They were too worried to disturb her before, but now they barraged her with a multitude of questions.
Hearing them ask her question's non-stop. So excited while she was soo exhausted, she immediately stopped them. Taking a breath and stabilizing herself for a while. she finally spoke up ”Alright! It hurts a bit, but you just have to tear a bit of you primal core and give it to him. That seems to do the trick! I've already left a bit of power in there to help guide all of yours. So it shouldn't be as hard for you, as it was for me.”
Nodding their heads all three of them seeing how exhausted she was didn't bother her too much and got to work. Three soft ”Ah!” cries were heard and within 10 minutes all three had stepped back from the orb like soul.
If any of the adult gods were here and witnessed what had just happened, they would lose their minds in anger. The primal soul was the essence of their power. How could it be given to a mortal so easily? Not only that, how could the body of a mortal be able to house the contrasting powers of four different gods. Not exploding from the power of one would be a great feat.
The kids were still young and their powers immature, which gave them a chance to regrow their lost core but if any other adult had done what they did… it would be permanent damage to their power. Which god would be so foolish?
The soul orb flashed white, green, pink and finally golden. The colours fused with each other and became a whirlpool that quickly grew to encompass the whole orb. Just as quickly as the whirlpool grew it shrunk and receded to the depths of the soul. If one blinked they would have missed this whole phenomenon.
Not realizing what they had done the four kids were happily chatting with each other. Revelling in their recent accomplishment.
Behind them, the 5 adults had finally come to a conclusion. Getting up from their seats, they slowly made their way to the pedestal.