151 Chapter 6. Hermit, New friends (1/2)
After parting with the youngsters, the three continued to clear the cave. Alanis and Alexia going back to enjoy themselves by ponding every monster they encounter. Sometimes they would work to gather to take down the bigger monsters.
But their communication is off the charts, they aren't even looking at each other with they do so.
The little people also left and came back with a captured bee. This bee looked different then the others. How strange. And it was about their size.
”I wondered what they plan to do with it.?”
They had been in the dungeon for about three days, now. It was time to go home.
Their house was the same, the little people who stayed took particularly good care of it while they where gone. The other little people who came with them brought back the bee to the others. They seem excited about it. But Demos never questioned it as long as they are happy.
Off to the side Demos noticed a little wolf with white fur off to the side. It wasn't attacking an them didn't seem to be any others around. So, maybe the little people brought it here.
He walked up to the trembling wolf who was very weary. But, like when he meet the twins. He patted its head. It wasn't reluctant but it was scared at the touch because it started to whine. Before it eventually stopped, because it wanted to be patted more.
While patting it, the hem on both sides of his clothes are being pulled.
Alanis and Alexia are pulling on the hem.
”What's the matter”
When He look down to match their eyes, the two lift his hands up, turn his palms upwards and moved his hand on top of their heads.
Demos chuckled the twin where jealous of a little wolf. 'That's seriously adorable, though!? I must pay full attention to those two!' he squeezed the two in his embrace.
After the little wolf had stayed for awhile without leaving, Demos, decided to give it a name. He called it Lois.
The little people came by not to long after with a giant ring. They placed it around Lois neck. It had his name of it. Demos got a sense of fulfill meant, when he saw that the little people were cheering at something.
He looked behind him at the strange little house made by the side of house own, he saw that the bee the little people took was inside. The little bee was doing something he didn't understand. So he didn't pay any more attention to it as he saw the little people cheer.
'they are certainly excited.' He thought.