140 Chapter 14: Swan, Plots and Schemes Part One (1/2)

Sawa had placed her make-up kit in front of the table in a conference room not too far away from where the announcement of the new investor will take place. She opened it in front of the display mirror as she once again organized to prepare for doing her mother's make-up. She looked across from her to the projector on the ceiling a smiled as she waved to the security guards.

It was a particular projector Afterall in all meeting rooms there was a camera hidden in every projector. Some had sound enabled into them. This one was one of them.

Sawa stepped out and not too long afterward Chiho stepped in.

”Hey, look it's the golden lady,” one of the guards said

”What's she doing?” the other one said

They watched as Chiho took something out of a concealed bag. It had a vile and a needle, giving the guards a bad feeling. Chiho opened one of the containers of Sawa's homemade cream that was so going to be one of May's Cosmetics popular products.

The two security guards watched as the golden lady used the needle to put whatever was in the vile into the Sawa's homemade product. And then afterword places them inside Sawa's Bag before she turned around just as Sawa came back startling her.

”Checking the make-up, I was going to put on your mother.”

”Yes, my mother is allergic to bee venom, so I was trying to make sure. You didn't have any products with bee venom. I'm going to get her right now.” Chiho rushed out.

Sawa walked closer to the point that she was completely visible in the camera.

The Guards were still in shock at the golden lady's actions, were now even more stomped by Sawa.

Sawa picked-up the contaminated homemade cream and throw it in the trash as if she knew it wasn't good anymore. Before she then opened another bag, she had on her and picked up another homemade cream and placed it where the original was before putting her first bag behind the mirror.

The conference door opened as Norrie stepped in nervous. Afterall this was the first time she has seen her daughter in five years.

Sawa had already known there was no hiding from Norrie since the beginning. The older women calmly sat on the chair.

”Mother, this is Director Nishioka” Chiho introduced the two.

”It is a pleasure to meet you, Madam,” Sawa said

”Likewise,” Norrie breathed out slowly.

But, Chiho wasn't paying attention to any of that she wanted Sawa to put the make-up on her mother.

The security guards were stilled as they watched and listened