109 Chapter 2: Hunters, How Many You Can Save (1/2)
”What's happening?”
”The door is closed!”
”Dammit! I can't do this anymore” a hunter said as he walked toward the doors ”I'm leaving now. Yu guys can have all the treasures you want.”
[He's going to die if you don't stop him]
Tae heard the voice again.
”No, don't” The leader screamed
It only took a moment at the statue by the door smacked that hunter head off, his body falling backward.
The hunters started screaming as the statue returned to its original position.
”That thing just moved!”
”Wait! Doesn't that mean all the statues here can move.”
”I didn't even see it swing the mace.”
[Its gaze at you, the big one]
The voice said as Tae started to shudder and then began to turn to the most prominent statue which was looking at him
[Everyone should get down about now]
”EVERYONE, GET DOWN!!” Tae screamed at the top of his lungs as he got to his knees. He decided to trust this voice.
All the hunters reacted to Tae shout as they all ducked except for one.
When the big statue's eyes shot out a big ray of light at the only hunter, who was still standing, the hunter who got hit in front of everyone's face disappeared without a trace including most of the ground he stood on.
Screams could be heard from the hunters who witnessed what just happened.
[Not bad you reacted faster than I expected. Because of that only one had died this time]
”This time what do you mean this” Tae whispered
[By the end of this let's see how many you can Save]
What was originally a group of 17 hunters now became 15.
Some of the hunters were still panicking while other where breath words of relief at Tae who shouted. Tae turned his and peaked at the statue whose eyes where still lit
”What do I do next?” he whispered hoping the voice would give him more guidance on what to do next.
[The hints where on the stone tablet remember, you not helpless enough to not be able to figure it out on your own]
Tae looked at the party leader. ”Mister Wook, what was the first thing the stone tablet said. The first thing it said to do.”
Ro Dong-Wook looked back at him but before he could answer.
”Don't stand up?” Tae said to the hunter who was about to ”It only attacks at a certain height” he said quickly when the voice told him that.
Wook looked at the youth and thought 'his instincts are good. But, it's too bad he's and E-rank, if only his abilities were higher.”
Some hunters had utterly lost their sense as they laid not even moving or crying and whimpering. While others still had hope as they waited patiently for their next move.
”What was the first thing it said to do?” Tae asked Wook.
”…..Worship the lord” he said loud enough so that the other hunters can hear him. The all looked to their left and there right and nodded at each other as they all bowed to the giant statue.
[Good. But this next part about to get dangerous. He'll stand up that statue. So, follow the next one quickly.]
'What?!' Tae thought as he looked at the statue and his face became ashen.
[You guys can stand up now, it won't be attacking with its eyes. So, hurry]
The statue expression changed it was a frightening expression, that freaked out most hunters
”Mister Wook! What was the next thing the table said to do!” Tae said which caught everyone's attention while the statue was starting to stand up.
”Hurry say it we have to act quickly, or we will all be dead” Tae got to his feet ”Everyone you can stand up now but stay away from the statues”
”Praise the lord” Wook said aloud
”How do we do that?”
Tae was lost in thought and at the same time hoping the voice would give him a hint.