92 Chapter 5: Winter, Hospital visit and Invitation to Dinner (1/2)

Rose sits in the elegant interior of Saint Generals hospital. Winter is in her arms giggling because she is lightly tickling him, gently

”They should have been here by now,” said Coney nervous and Impatient while pacing back and forth.

”A woman should be patient. Just Wait!” said David irritably ”And sit down watching you is irritating.”

”Sorry,” She said sitting down sighing.

”Excuse me. Are you the Ross's?”.They turned toward the women.

”Yes,” Coney responded, ”We are.”

”And you are,” said David

”I'm the secretary of Mr. Connell's, Mrs. Hon” Coney looked behind her

”Where Is Anthony?”she asked

”Unfortunately, Anthony couldn't be here today.”

”Oh” Coney and David responded.

”But don't worry I have the sample we will use for the test” she heads up a plastic bag with hair in it

”Now, the room were need to go to is down the hall” she then lead the way. David and Coney go ahead

”I'm surprised I didn't think you would sho,w,” Mrs. Han says to Rose

”Is that so.”

”your parents have motives in this”

”It's obvious isn't it.”

”very” was the last thing Mrs. Han said before they enter the room.Awhile later they left the room.

”Mr. Connell's has invited your family to dinner,” said Mrs. Han

”Really,” both Coney and David said simultaneously. They excitedly walked fast outward the hospital exit as Rose bows slightly to Mrs. Han and hurriedly follows David and Coney out.

In Griffin's office later, that day.Knock, Knock

”I'm back sir,” said Mrs. Han

”How was it”

”They showed. The results should be in by 9”. Mr. Griffin nodded in response