65 Chapter 7: Imperial Dr. Yen, Maid of the Favored Consor (1/2)

After the maidservants left. Ren signaled for Yen to follow. Sure, enough is was Consort Gina palace

When Ren knocked on the door, a quiet voice answered with a curt

”Come in.”

When they walked inside, there was a red-haired beauty lovingly holding a baby wrapped in a soft blanket. The baby had a rosy face. She had her mother's pale skin. They heard the cute sounds of her sleeping, her lips slightly parted. She was the very picture of health.

”I have arrived with the person,” Ren said.

”Thank you for the hard work you have done.” Consort Gina gave her yet a different warm smile to the one she gave Ren and lowered her head at her.

Yen widened her eyes in surprise. ”I can't receive this type of treatment from someone who outranks me,” she stated, choosing polite words.

”No. My gratitude goes beyond that. You are my baby's benefactor.”

”This must be some kind of mistake. Surely you got the wrong person.” Yen said calmly. Even if she said it politely, there was no difference in the fact that she denied it. She didn't want attention she also didn't want to get entangled in this incident. Ren noticed that Consort Gina was making a slightly tired face, shook the piece of cloth to her.

”Did you know that this is the cloth used for the work clothes of maids?” he said

”Now that you mention it, it looks similar.” Yen decided to play dumb, thinking maybe just maybe she'll get out of this. Although she knew in her heart, it was futile

”Indeed. These are used by maidservants that work for clothes duty.”

Palace officials amazing into six duties. Those in charge of clothes wore working clothes Yen, who oversaw washing duty, was placed into there. Ren lifted her unbleached skirt was the same color as the cloth Ren was holding. Which showed the interior of her dress had a section that was hidden by pleats. If you examine it, you will find a strange seam. In short, the evidence was there. She was somewhat shocked that Ren had acted so rudely in front of a royal consort.