40 Chapter 8: Pendragon, She’s Allergic (1/2)
Faith is in the hen-house lost in thoughts; she had come here every day in the past month to look for a chicken's egg. When she couldn't find she walked out and into the courtyard or wizard's tower.
”You're still looking for eggs,” Arthur said
”mmm,” She responded emotionlessly.
”Here,” he said holding a basket of eggs which immediately brought her attention, her eyes sparkled.
”Are these for me” she was a little surprised that Arthur would do something for her. Her smile was very wide and bright.
”Yes,” Arthur blushed little as he handed her the basket. Faith took an egg from the basket greedily/
”Hey, Arthur” She stared at the egg
”Have you ever tasted death?”
”Hehe, never-mind” the next moment Faith had broken the egg consuming I raw.
Arthur had watched Faith crack open the egg eating it wrong, he was surprised, and then he was horrified as he watched her drop to the ground.
”Hey, Stupid Girl” Arthur hesitated before dropping to her and trying to shake her awake. His face had grown pale.