37 Chapter 5: Pendragon, To Play (1/2)
Faith looked sadly at the abandoned stables although it was in perfect conditions it was barely used. She laid on the patch of hay inside. It may not have looked comfortable, but it was, soft and warm, it made Faith doze off as she snuggled deeply in it.
”Hey, stupid!” Arthur screamed at the sleeping girl on the massive pile of hay. Faith hears him but it to sleepy to move as he continues to rant at her. Faith pulled Arthur down when he approached her.
”Lay down, its nice here,” Faith said as she casted a spell, making Arthur fall asleep. She laid her head back down when Kai walked in out of breath. ”Kai, join us, it's nice,” she said her eyes still closed. Kai walked up and glanced at the sleeping Arthur and then Faith when a confused Face.
Kai's little hands touched the pile of hay. It was warm and soft, he laid down on and found it was even cozy, he fell asleep on the pile of hay. This made Faith smile, the three of them were asleep for the rest of the day.
Faith woke up on the sofa of the wizard's tower and saw Merlin reading by his Alchemy table not too far away. She yawned and stretched
”I'll make you some coffee,” Merlin said and went to pour her a cup.
”Thank you” Faith reached out for the cup and took a sip ”Arthur looks so much like Uther, I couldn't help but tease him.”
”I see.”
”The arrogance was the same too; he made me want to discipline him.” Faith giggled ”So much.”
”AH!” Faith looked back at Merlin ”Is Vivian still rejecting you.”
”I” Merlin became silent, and a hurt loom appeared on his face
”She still blames you for binding her to the lake.”Faith thought for a moment ”Even though it was her fault…. Shall I go talk to her” she looked back at Merlin
”No Teacher, I'm Fine”
”MMM…Is that so” she gulped down her ”I'm going out to PLAY” she smiled and ran out before Merlin could say anything else.
Faith spent a few hours playing with the animals of Collate forest, Yuyu especially who continuously curled up against as if she was the best person in the world. She tried to visit Maine, but it seemed like she wasn't home. Faith was lost in thought as she walked back to the Castle until she came by the hen-house and smiled.
The place is dirty, and droppings were everywhere. Faith looked through the chickens to find an egg, but it seemed that there wasn't any.
”What are you doing here?” Arthur said