36 Admiral part2 (1/2)

*Ban!* Bill reacted and shot, but the bullet passed right through Kizaru without harming him.

'My haki is still weak' though Bill regretfully, but he knew that his captain shouldn't be underestimated.

*Clang* the lightning fast kick was blocked!

”What is this?” asked Kizaru in surprise.

Sin surrounded by the dark blue Sussano's ribcage.

”Is that the best you got?” Sin looked at Kizaru with his glowing Mangekyou Sharingan.

”You're going to pay for that, Kizaru!!” growled Ash.

”Hmmm! You Darkstars are so scary!....What is this?” said Kizaru, but suddenly his relaxed expression transformed into surprise when he gazed at Sin's Mangekyou.


”Waaaaaah! that guy is coming back!” yelled Usopp.

”You will never escape, Strawhats!!!” yelled Sentoumaru, while climbing up from the pit, he couldn't beat the Darkstars, so he decided to catch the exhausted Strawhats instead.

”R-run for your lives!!!” yelled Chopper.

”We need to get out of here...!” said Luffy.

Suddenly another Pacifista appeared.

”Another one!!!” said Brook.

'This guy's the real deal!!' thought Zoro.

It was the Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma.

”So you actually lived... Roronoa” said Kuma.

”Thanks to... the mercy you showed,” said Zoro.

”If you are going on a trip... Where would you like to go?” asked Kuma.


”What...?!” Zoro was surprised because he was asked and attacked out of the blue.

”ZORO! RUN...?!” Usopp was shocked, Zoro

was here a just moment ago...

”Wha...?” ”Zorooo!!!” ”...? HUH!?” ”...!?” the Strawhats were shocked, but unfortunately it was just the beginning.


”Where is this place?” asked Kizaru, he was bound to a giant cross.

The place looked similar to Grove12 where he fought the Darkstars, but everything changed to black and white, except the haunting red moon and Sin's eyes.

”Welcome to my world, Kizaru-san,” said Sin with a smile.

”...My power!!!” Kizaru wanted to transform into light element but he couldn't.

”Time and Space, even the physical mass, I can control them all” Sin said to the shocked Kizaru.

”Here, I'm God!” Sin said, before a dagger appeared in his hand.


”Gaaah!” screamed Kizaru in pain.


”Aaah! W-what the hell is...Gaaah!” from the moment Kozaru got his Devil fruit, he rarely experienced pain.

”The next 72 hours will be nothing but this, over and, over” said Sin while stabbing Kizaru.


