29 Newcomers (1/2)
”These men and women are the finest soldier you could ever find in Paradise, every one of them was either captain or a first mate of small pirates groups,the survivors of countless hellish experiments, the cream of the corp,” said Bill.
Sin's eyes lit up, he was thinking of a way to get strong and loyal soldiers.
”Alright, I accept” said Sin with a smile.
”Yeah!!” the prisoners yelled in unison.
__Fujita island-Paradise_
”What do you mean mind controlled? and who is this Podi? I'm not even married!” said the village elder.
”Listen you masked villain! I don't know what your planning, but we will fight you to death” said the Elder bravely while trembling in his boots under the glare of dozens of battle hardened pirates.
”Hahahhaha! let's go” Sin was amused, he said before leaving.
Kuina and a group of 44 pirates followed behind.
__Port-Fujita island___
”Whoa!” exclaimed a Darkstar pirate.
”What a huge ship!” exclaimed another.
”Alright, boys! stop gawking and carry the goods!” said Sin.
”Aye Aye, captain!” they said in unison.
__Ss-Fujita's port_____
”Alright listen up! this my core crew, your First mate Ash, the Swordsman...I mean Swordwoman Kuina, the Shipwright Markus, the Doctor Law, the Navigator Perona, the Sniper Bill, the Cook... wait we still don't have a cook, damnit” Sin finished with a curse.
The crew snickered.
”And finally, the most important person in this whole ship, me! your captain Morningstar.D Sin... I'm a useless trash” said Sin while kneeling.
”Horohorohorohoro...! what are you saying you idiotic master,” said Perona.
”Hahaha!” the newcomers didn't know what's happening, but they found their captain's misfortune amusing.
”What are you laughing at you idiots!” she glared at the newcomers, before sending her ghosts.