27 The dark side of Paradise 2 (1/2)

*Bam!* Fortunately Sin coated himself in chakra, and Armament Haki just in time.

*Bang**Bang* Bill shot two times, while Sin was still in the air.

*Slash* relying on his Sharingan and Observation Haki, Sin used his playing card to cut the two slow-moving bullets in mid-air.

'Shit!' cursed Sin as he noticed the trap-filled floor using his Sharingan.


*Pow*...*Pow* Sin used his skywalk to dodge the precise bullets.

*Slash* *Slash* Sin launched two slash kicks in midair at Bill, but the later dogged them easily.

”You brat keep ignoring me!” yelled the giant mass of muscles.

But before he could pursue Sin...


Two large sword cuts appeared on his back, creation a big red ”X”.

”A swordsman, attacking the back?” Podi turned around and said with a childish voice,

”First, I'm Swordswoman *Slash*, Secondly I'm a pirate! *Slash* ” said Kuina, while creating another ”X” on Podi's chest.

”No one was able to injure me in this form before, you will be great experimental material,” said Podi maniacally, as his injuries began to heal at a very fast rate.


*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

*Slash* *Slash* *Pow*...*Pow*

Sin cut one bullet after the other while skywalking.

'That's it' Sin sensed that Bill was out of ammo.


While skywalking towards Bill, Sin sensed danger and dodged.


A giant fly trap emerged from the roof and pursued Sin.

'This devil fruit is crazy!' he thought before launching a fireball from his palm.
