12 The end of the Holiday (1/2)

”Watch it punk, do you want to die,” said a

a dark-skinned man with black hair in short spiky dreadlocks. He was wearing a brown trench coat and a pair of sunglasses, and near him was awoman with short blond hair dark eyes and an orange hat, she was looking at Sin with mockery and a hint of... lust?

They were Mr 3 and Miss Valentine from baroque works

”What? cat got your ton...*Tud* *Slam*” without wasting time Sin kicked Mr 3 right in the face and slams Miss Valentine face on a table, knocking them out.

”K-kill him!” seeing their bosses unconscious, the goons attacked.


*Thud*...*Thud* all the goons were knocked out.

”W-what was that?” asked Kuina, and Markus also looked curious since he didn't know much about the world.

”That's Haoshoku Haki, Only one in several million people have this ability. This type of Haki allows the user to exert their willpower over others. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king” said Ash.

Sin Walked near Mr.3's table a picked a piece of paper.

”Morningstar D Sin, Bounty... 100 000 000 berries,” said Sin.

”Let me see!” said Kuina excitedly.

”They took this picture from Impel Down,” said Ash.

”Another one” Markus was looking at rest of the bounties.

”Let me see... oh! that's you, Ash...Bounty60 000 000 berries” Kuina snatched the bounty from Markus and said.

”Our bounties are lower than I expected,” said Sin.

”I think the WG wants to get rid of us secretly without revealing your status as a celestial dragon,” said Ash.

”We need to hurry before they send someone as troublesome as Akainu,” said Sin, he wasn't really afraid of Akainu, But the bastard has an infamous sense of justice, he might take one of his friends or even civilians as hostages.

”We need to restock and buy a couple of swords for Kuina... Shit!” Sincursed.

”A marine fleet!” exclaimed Kuina, she took a simple white mask she brought from the market and put it on.