54 Assassination #1 is boring. Frozen Wrath levels up a lot. (1/1)

I Woke up Rem me, Apparently, I used up the last of the water in the showers, so I make more clean water with magic while no one is looking and put it in the reservoir before anyone notices. Apparently, we're supposed to bathe in the lake or stream, so I said fuck that shit and went up Najenda after buying Engineering Level 10 Which was literally 10000 OverP and then said ”let me fix the plumbing, I don't want anyone to see Rem, That's my job and ONLY my job, She nodded and said it would be appreciated, I spent half the day fixing it and I actually ended up making it work 100x better than it did before it broke. Apparently, Leone either didn't get the memo or couldn't wait so, Lubbock ended up losing two fingers to breakage and a fractured elbow. Perv should either get a girlfriend or find another outlet. what a creep. Rem woke up around midday and she also didn't get the memo. Long story short I cut his arm off and then rejected it back to normal. twice- for good measure. I then pointed to my eyes told him that My 'Imperial arm' AKA blood of gods or w/e had a lot of features and if he was a bad boy one more time, he'd find out several more, Painfully.

I made sure rem didn't find out, Cus I don't want her to rip his head off. She would. I promise. I told Najenda and she went outside beat the shit out of him and told me not to heal it this time. I also told her If she wanted to keep Lubbock that Rem needed to never find out under any circumstances. she ended up getting it out of me somehow and Najenda had to activate her Imperial arm to get her off him and promised to let her beat him up several times but death was out of the question, Rem surprisingly agreed.

After this whole infuriating day, our frozen wrath was at level 5. oh Rem and I along with Tatsumi went fishing and all we were allowed to use were our bare hands, Tatsumi shouted: ”I got this shit!” and literally caught nothing But thanks to Rem, Akame and Yours Truly, we caught a metric fuckton of them, We even had to let some go, Surprisingly Akame eats way too much for any normal human.

But we aren't normal humans either, Apparently, we can eat just as much as her we just never tried.

We won the eating contest which was a major surprise and Akame afterward Grumbled ”no fair.” and then fell asleep.

I'm starting to like these guys, except Lubbock. Fuck Lubbock in an inferno.


Tatsumi went after some asshole named Ogre. When he came back unharmed I was surprised.

Day 7

We killed some intruders today. I got 4 Rem got 3 Akame got 3 Bulat got 2 Everyone else got literally none. Looks like Everyone but Me, Rem, and Bulat and Akame are getting Kitchen duty. Also, More fish today- we probably caught too many.


Day 8

looks like I'm Fixing a massive hole in Minne's room cus Tatsumi, instead of waking her up normally barged in on her while she was naked. Apparently, It was an accident so I'm letting it slide. No Lubbock treatment for Tatsumi. yay. Later that day, they were made to go out on a patrol together. That's a horrible Idea, but okay.


That night, It was time for our first assignment, We were to Kill a dumbass whos name Is literally Mr. Honest guess what he is. NOT HONEST. He beats women to death for shits and giggles. So maybe I should give him some similar treatment. *frozen Wrath has Reached level 7* yep.


I sigh cus it looks like we're just here to kill any reinforcements that show up or any mercenaries that slip through. We here a Bang from Minnes imperial arm 'Pumpkin' Surprisingly we get 1 Masked asshat each and a blonde dude who is apparently the leader Honest's guard. This is too easy I Get done with him just by using Wind-style martial arts way of the infinite hands first stance. Rem doesn't even get to do shit, She ended up killing only one standard masked guy. I can tell she's bored and frustrated.

I guess we'll fix that when we get home.