52 Planning for the future, Tickets galore! 1 (1/1)
It's been forever since I actually planned, We're basically the weakest of the group so while escaping from the capital I converse with Rem about trying to find some skills in the system, The more all-encompassing the skill the better, I'm on a budget of 2010000 OverP and 500000 AnimeP I actually realize the System has a lot more features than what I thought. It has 2 Lottery wheels 2 Mission centers with redundant missions I even see I have unclaimed mission rewards, It even has a yearly system-link function that lets us trade with any person across all omni-verses, which I realize is exploitable as fuck if I have time.
First, I claim all system mission rewards which gives me thousands of common tickets,1241 Uncommon tickets, 501 rare tickets, 125 epic tickets 41 Legendary tickets 10 Mythical tickets, and 1 solitary godly ticket, apparently, there are better tickets than godly but the just show up as ?!!! on the screen.
I decide to sell the 7489 common tickets, the 1241 uncommon tickets, and the 501 rare tickets. Which is probably a bad Idea but I need system points. When I'm done, I have 205 Million OverP and 102 Million AnimeP, 125 epic tickets 41 Legendary tickets 10 Mythical tickets, and that godly ticket, So I do some shopping! I probably could have saved my son if I paid attention to this shit.
Burying that thought I first drop the 125 epic tickets into the machine, Looking for Resistances to apply to me and Rem. I get a bunch of overpowered Physical resistances which turn into 2 sets of all Physical and status ailment resistance at 89% I immediately use them on both of us as we're in the assassination business. I sell the emotional resistance stuff as I don't want to become a cold-blooded-heartless asshole. I now Have another 50m AnimeP taking it to a total of 152M AnimeP. I go into the Items, Weapons, Morningstar category and use the godly ticket on it, and put what I got in Ram's Storage with a note. It basically is a Stupid letter I wrote, declaring how much I love her and I hope it makes her feel slightly better. I then use the 41 legendary tickets 10 on active Weapon arts sword and epic weapon arts Morningstar, 10 on passive martial arts(instinctual), and 21 on stat-points which are only available with legendary and up. I get 8400 stat points, which I'll use to get us slightly up to par. now, for those mythical tickets.