50 More gullible than we thought. A kind noblewoman? Pick your poison and put on a play! (1/2)

Tatsumi asks as we walk towards the capital, as he literally carries his money reward for killing the danger-beast in his hand like an idiot. ”what are elves from the eastern continent doing around here?” we both touch our ears and notice they're pointed now, this bloodline is weird. I respond covering with a half-truth, ”Our son died, there's nothing left for us there anymore.”

Rem nods as she lets me do the talking until of course, The idiot asks ”So how old are you, Ms. Rem the beautiful elf.”

I ask, ”Really? Flirting with another man's wife?” as rem gives him a sharp look.

He responds, ”No no no! I just heard that elves live an inordinately long time, I'm just curious!”

I say, ”Nice save dumbass,” as rem now looks hostile to him and uses our bloodline connection to communicate with me ”Why are we protecting this idiot?”

After 30 minutes of communicating with rem via bloodline connection, I say, ”144.” He asks, ”what?” as we near the capital, ”You asked our ages 30 minutes ago. we are both 144.” He nods. as we queue up at the line which is actually really freaking short. we soon enter at a fee of a silver coin each. good thing I made plenty of gold and silver in Naruto world and put them in my new storage. the guy looks like he ripped us off but I give no shits, I didn't make any copper coins anyway. He goes to a pub as we look for an inn when we find one and return, He has lost all his money to a blonde woman who tricked him into thinking he was going to become an officer if he did.

I don't even know where to start with this kid. I'm gonna let him experience this night on the street, But before we can part, some noblewoman invites us onto her carriage. Red flags everywhere as it doesn't seem like we're allowed to say no.

Oblivious as always instead of looking scared, he smiles at the girl and looks at her like she's doing him a favor, not wanting to make a scene we play the dumb country bumpkin act too and go in with him.


(Rem POV.)

The vicious girl sits us down and hands the three of us tea, only one of them isn't poisoned and it's Tatsumi's of course. I've had enough, I smile and nod to William, he's good at bullshitting as god-emperors, I wink at him and use bloodline communication to ask him, 'how good is your acting ability?'He smiles.