29 Wicked 4 A short respite. Killing Petelguise. and a Mistake that May cost the world. (1/2)

Everyone else was shellshocked. The blowback alone from William activating his Bankai shredded the whale apart like it was made of tofu.

*Death of the first target confirmed. You have gained 20M AnimeP and 20M.* I look at rem running at me, I wonder if I can keep her safe during the coming attack. I'm worried that If I fail to kill Puck, or if Emelia dies before I can reach Puck, that she will be caught in the crossfire. Thinking ahead for maybe the 2nd time in my life, I ask the system,

'Is there a way to accelerate the strengthening of Rem? I don't want to end up having to wait to be reincarnated to see her again.' *The system recommends that you purchase soul-force in order to Increase her natural potential and capability to contain strength. it costs 2M OverP or AnimeP for .1 Soul Tier. You may only upgrade her to a maximum of your current Soul Tier.* I analyze her.

Rem Winds

(ALL STATS MASSIVELY OVERSATURATED Processing for 6 months, 29 days and 5 hours and 22 Minutes.)

Soul Tier 5.8

STR 210

END 349

AGI 209

VIT 297

LCK 170

WILL 291

Nodding, I confirm, 'System, Increase her soul Tier by 1.7 using a Metric fuckton of my AnimeP and OverP, I now have 3M OverP and 3M AnimeP. Preparing for the Worst outcome I ask the system 'What else do I need?'

*The system Recommends you to purchase level 10 Soul attack resistance for you and your soul mate, due to the nature of Petelguise Romani-Conti, this will cost you a total of 1M OverP.*

'complete the purchase.' I think and then before I can ask if I need anything else,

Rem Flies into so fast me that I am blasted out of the enhanced perception that is used to converse with the system. She starts laughing her ass off. attempting to stifle it and failing she asks ”I feel more powerful, What did you do?” to which I replied with the same laughter and through the laughter I say, ”I increase your abilities, and stop laughing, it's not funny It really hurt!”

She then chuckles, and in a joking tone ”Will, Will, It looks as if you can't handle me anymore, maybe--”

I interrupt her by sealing her lips with a deep passionate kiss, she melts into me, I hold her for about 3 seconds but then everyone around us who were cheering earlier, decides to ruin the moment, They start hooting, hollering, whistling and such. I shoot them A glare as we immediately separate and Rem Gives me a blaming look saying ”Not in public!” Then stands up she runs off. I analyze her again as she is Quickly strutting away.

Rem Winds

Soul Tier 7.5

STR 2100

END 3490

AGI 2090

VIT 2970