Chapter 144 - Lesser Wyvern (1/2)
“A wyvern?!”
My voice trembled a little at this unexpected answer. That was the kind of enemy that you usually had to gather a full party for…but then again, there was that time I beat one solo. Still, it was a victory achieved after Rex and the others had chipped away at its health. Yes, I now had a good idea of the way the wyverns moved, but I wasn’t confident that I could take on a healthy one. It would probably tear me to shreds.
“To be precise, it’s a lesser wyvern. They are a weaker type, but there are no Adventurers in this village… As a retired Adventurer, I do what I can to drive it back every time, but I am not able to finish it. What I want help with, is hunting it down.”
So that was the truth of it. Well, this was not the kind of thing to discuss with Daniela at our leisure. If Yis died, then the village would be destroyed!
Even more, there was a possibility that Daniela was fighting it herself just now. There was no time to waste. Still, I strapped on the Glampanzer, adjusted my armor and also took out the Schwarz Tempest. More haste, less speed, as they say. These were the times you had to make sure that your equipment was right. Daniela was stronger than me, so there was no way that she would be killed so quickly. I was confident in that. I would bet on it. Yis was a veteran, so he too began to prepare while taking everything into account. His armor was simple, but I could tell that the materials were good.
“Alright, let’s go. It should be attacking the farm.”
Yis ran in the lead. There was a wind blowing at our back as if to rush us on. But it was probably just the spirits. I started to think that it meant that Daniela was calling me, and it made me anxious. Even though Daniela would have likely said, ‘calm down, you stupid bastard.’
Suddenly, I looked down and saw that Marco was running right next to me.
“Mister Yis. It’s Marco!”
“What?! Hey, Marco. You stay at home!”
Yis said roughly as he turned to look while we were running. But Marco did not listen. There was a look in the wolves eyes that suggested he would defy any such orders.
“Damn it. Don’t do anything stupid!”
To be honest, a forest wolf would just get in the way.
“Yis, a forest wolf won’t be much help…and he’s wounded.”
“Ah, perhaps I haven’t told you yet? Marco isn’t any old forest wolf. He’s part of a sub-species.”
“To be exact, he’s a wald wolf. They are a rare breed that are sometimes born among forest wolves.”
I’ve never heard of them before. Were they different from abnormally evolved beings?
“No, their origins are different. Those creatures come to exist when they have lived a long time and have taken in very thick mana. And that causes them to evolve.”
“I’m surprised you know about that…isn’t that information classified?”
“Just as you know about it, Asagi. I have my sources.”
Yis said with a wink. Damn it, he looked cool.
“These wald wolves were born where mana was very thick. Apparently, they change in the womb when the mother is exposed to the mana. The mother might die if exposed for too long. However, even if she doesn’t die, it has a great impact on the weak, unborn pup.”
“And that’s how these mutant, wald wolfs are born.”
“Yes. …Hmm, I can hear it now. It’s at the farm, after all. And someone is fighting it!”
The streets were dark at night, but I could see, thanks to Nighteyes. We had been quite active at night recently, so it had leveled up and I could see better than usual. Past the buildings, I could see small but impressive wings within an enclosure. The shape of those wings were carved into my memory. Dragons.
“…Damn it. I forgot!!”
“What? Asagi!”
“I’m going on ahead!!”
Dragons. Dragons. Lesser wyverns are a species of dragons. The enemy that Daniela hates the most! Damn it. I should have listened to Yis when I had the chance.
I had Legs of the Forest Wolf on at full blast. I could no longer be so concerned for Yis now.
I apologized silently as I dashed through the air, leaving a shocked Yis. A flying wyvern would be less likely to expect an aerial attack. That was my immediate idea. But at the same time, I wanted to look down from above to see if Daniela was alright.
It was the center of the large farm. As it was night, the livestock were not outside. Instead, there was one unbelievable monster. It was smaller than the wyvern I had killed before, but its movements were very different. It was leaping around rapidly and dodging attacks. Its tail swept around in a smooth motion. Occasionally, it would bat its wings, sending a wind to rush through the grass.
As I thought, it was Daniela who was fighting the lesser wyvern. Her rapier was in her hand as she rolled and dodged the attacks, but she seemed slower than usual. Still, as someone who had seen her freeze with fear before, I had to sigh in relief that she was able to fight. I expected her to be shaking and about to be trampled. But Daniela had overcome her fear to the point where she was able to fight. Still, I could not keep her waiting any longer.
“I’m coming…!”
I held my greatsword up and sent a surge of blue magic into it. The sword was enveloped with a swirl of water that enhanced its cutting edge. I didn’t know how effective it would be against dragons, but it was the most powerful attack I was currently capable of.
I faced the ground and kicked the air above me. The green and silver wind launched me even faster towards the ground. I was targeting its wings. I thought about going for its head, but that seemed like a bad idea, considering I wasn’t sure if this attack would even work. The advantage of this ambush would be lost. So I was intent on going for the narrow joints of its wings. That was what I thought as I swung my sword.
“Daniela. Get out of the way!”
I rose my voice when I was so close that the wyvern would not be able to react even if it noticed me. That was all it took for Daniela to jump back. The wyvern heard me too. It tried to turn its head to look up, but it was too slow. It almost looked like it was still as my sword came down. Perhaps if it had moved instead of looking, it would have been able to dodge it.