Chapter 58 (1/2)
Chapter 58
Jack of all Trades – 58
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Armor Store, At Last
The sandwiches contained a great combination or fried eggs, bacon and lettuce . We knew that we would definitely be visiting this place again as we left our seats .
“We should get going then . ”
I say as I put the change in a leather bag . Daniela’s hand was on her stomach as if to show her dissatisfaction, but then she remembered that she was trying to be ladylike today, and so she nodded .
As it was midday, many people from around town were now gathering towards the wide streets and looking for places to eat . We walked together, hand in hand…for the purpose of not losing each other .
“I feel a little bashful . ”
“I as well . I have not held a person’s hand and walked since the time I took walks with my father…”
Daniela said, which put us in a sentimental mood . Her parents, huh . I wish I could have met them…
“Hey, Daniela . ”
“Mm? What is it?”
“Um, are there tombstones in your homeland? For your parents . ”
Daniela looked up into the sky, as far as she could see and answered .
“Aye, I built it for them on the land that our house once stood . But I have not returned since then, and I do not know what has happened to it…”
“I see… Then, once things get settled, I have to go and introduce myself . ”
“Thank you…Asagi . ”
She squeezed my hand tightly and smiled . I smiled and squeezed her hand back . The town was alive and clamorous, but we felt as if our time together was calm and gentle .
The Paw Clothes and Accessories Shop faced a large road, but we went through a back alley to reach the Paw Armor Shop on the other side . We let go of each other’s hands once we were inside . It would be the worst if we accidentally b.u.mped into and damaged any of the armor here .
“Welcome! Welcome to the Paw Armor Shop!”
A familiar voice rang from the back .
“h.e.l.lo . ”
“Ahh, it is you . Do not worry, I have set your armor aside for you!”
He would have h.e.l.l to pay if he hadn’t . I would go berserk . I would .
“I came because I have enough money now . ”
I said as I handed over a leather bag containing the sixty gold pieces that I got from Harold’s wyvern materials, plus five gold pieces I got from the reward that was shared between Rex and the other men . Praise the wyverns! Amen .
“But it has only been a few days… What did you do?”
“A little wyvern hunting . ”
“No, then this ‘Silvergreen’ who slew two wyverns alone must be…?”
I did not solo two wyverns! That’s an insane exaggeration!
“Even killing one is impressive enough . ”
“I just dealt the finishing blow to a wyvern that was already heavily wounded . ”
“Oh, how modest!”
He clearly didn’t believe me… Ah, well . This was a pointless conversation anyway . Just give me my lovely armor set!
“Well, allow me to take you to it, Silvergreen . ”
“Could we not do that?”
We were led to the back of the store . Well, not too far back, as then we would just come into the clothing store on the other side . My armor was set up on a wooden mannequin-like block of wood . But something was different from before . There was a waistcloth . Complete with embroidery .
“What is this cape-like thing?”
“Ahh, this . When I put it all together here, my wife…who, uh, happens to own the clothing store on the other side, she says that it ‘looks unbalanced . ’ And so created this cape out of extra wind dragon cloth in one night . Oh, you can consider it a bonus . It is not as if you requested it, after all . Also, it is going to be worn by Silvergreen himself!”
Ahh… Well, he was probably right . It would be a nicer silhouette to have cloth come down under the waist to match the poncho that would hang from my shoulders . An old friend called Yasuda had once told me that ‘Character designs needed a great silhouette . ’ However, what about utility?
“There should be no problem in terms of your movement . And this waist mantle should strengthen the potency of your wind magic even further . There are no AGI enchantments, as we did not have enough time . But we could request that it be done . If you can pay the price for it . ”
“Request? So you can ask someone to do it?”
“Yes . In truth, this price is more of an intermediary fee . You see, Enchanters do not accept private requests, and so this is the only way to go about it . ”
I see . It was a type of magic that would be in high demand, by keeping the door narrow, they could maintain a certain value . Very smart .
But it seemed like it would take some time . I wasn’t really sure, but I had a decent military budget thanks to lord wyvern . Being cheap on my first investment in armor could have grave consequences as well . It would probably be wise to just do it .
“Then I will request it . And I will pay for it now . So, how long does it take, anyway?”