Chapter 52 (1/2)

Chapter 52Jack of all Trades – 52 Post navigation


My body felt heavy . My muscles hurt . I was still riddled with wounds after waking up, which made getting out of bed a pain .

This was the infirmary in the western guardhouse . It was just yesterday afternoon that I helped the adventurers who were losing against the wyvern, it was almost night when I finally killed it . But I had no time to rest, I had to walk all the way back to Spiris . Thanks to Harold’s kindness, I was treated here, and the wound on my right thigh was closed up . But I was completely drained by then, and just fell asleep right here .

And now it was morning . What time was it?

“Ah, Asagi . I see you are awake now . ”

“Harold . Good morning . ”

“Morning! Though, it is really midday now!”

Whwhat… It appeared that I had overslept by quite a bit .

“Well, with so many injuries, it could not be helped . ”

“But it feels like a waste of time…”

I sighed at the loss of my valuable morning hours as I got up from the bed . Ouch… I was sore all over . I wasn’t sure, but I had a suspicion that it was an effect of overusing ‘Legs of the Forest Wolf’…

“Ah! I had forgotten!”


“You have been summoned to the guild . You are to go as soon as you have regained your consciousness!”

“The guild, eh?”

Uhh, I can’t help but feel like this is going to be very annoying . Something the guild master will be involved in .

“Well, might as well go then…aghhgghh…”

“You shouldn’t push yourself too hard…”

“No, I prefer to get these unpleasant things over with as soon as possible . ”

I was the type who did the bad stuff first . Kind of like how I washed the cooking wear first during my night shift .

My clothes had been completely drenched with blood, so they were thrown out . I pulled out a new pair from the hollow bag and got changed . I would have liked to take a bath but was told that there was a possibility that my wounds would open again . So I had to make do with wiping myself down with a wet towel . After finishing the bare minimum of self-grooming, I collected my things and left the guardhouse .

“Well, good luck to you, Asagi . ”

“Hahah . It’s like I’m off to war . ”

“Battles are not fought with swords alone!”

Harold’s nostrils flare as he offers me his hand . Oh, are we going to do this then?

“I agree . I will gain whatever victory that suits me . ”

I accepted his hand and we shake . Our hands clamped down on each others . I was not in peak physical condition, but this was a fight in itself . I couldn’t let go . This second battle between us lasted for over a dozen seconds, but Harold was the ultimate victor . And now my hand really hurt .

“See you . ”

“Be careful!”

It was a good sort of pain that lingered even after shaking it as I walked away . I was headed for the guild . I had a bad feeling about this . Like I was walking alone into a battlefield .

Just as I was almost out of the street stall district, I found Daniela among a crowd of people . She held two skewers of meat in her hands . I was quite sure that I had asked Harold to relay a message to Daniela . Ever since I woke up this morning, I had a feeling that I had forgotten something . But that’s what it was . Daniela wasn’t there .


“Hmm, is that voice Asagi?”

Daniela turned around, and after confirming that it was me, pushed her way through the crowd of people .

Are you on a lunch break as well?”

“What? Don’t you have anything better to do? Like, coming to see me for instance . ”

“Hmm? Were we not to meet tomorrow? What happened to your camping trip?”

Eh? Something was not quite right here .

“You didn’t get the message from the guards?”

“Guards? Did you get into any trouble?”

Ah, clearly she hadn’t heard . But why? Was there some misunderstanding?

“Oh, the message must be late . I got summoned to the guild, so I’ll tell you on the way there . Also, give me one of those skewers . ”

“If you insist…but just one . ”