Chapter 18 (1/2)


Well then, I was back in the fateful forest. I wasn’t such a veteran that I could sense what was around us. Were there forest wolves lurking close by?

“Ahh… I doubt there are any in this area.”

“Right. Well, let’s check our stats then… Or not, are there rules against checking party members stats?”

“No, there is not. And I’m quite curious about your AGI as well. Let’s see it.”

With Daniela’s permission, we took out our status cards and chanted the same old words together.

“Status open.”

Name: Asagi Kamiyas.h.i.+ro

Race: Human

Job: Adventurer (Rank: E)

LV: 21

HP: 236/236

MP: 170/170

STR: 90  VIT: 83

AGI: 276  DEX: 125

INT: 75  LUK: 12

Skills: Jack of all Trades, Master of None

Short sword

One-handed sword


Magic: Ice, Water, Fire

Quest: Eliminate the Forest Wolves

Party: Daniela Villesilf

Equipment: Head – None

Body – Leather Armor

Hands – Leather Gloves

Legs – None

Feet – Leather Boots

Weapons – Iron sword

– Iron short sword

Accessories – None

Name: Daniela Villesilf

Race: Light Elf

Job: Adventurer (Rank: C)

LV: 67

HP: 689/689

MP: 678/678

STR: 364  VIT: 263

AGI: 268  DEX: 400

INT: 351  LUK: 29

Skills: Fresh Green Eye

Presence Detection