63 Military pink (1/2)
Iven had rushed to only one possible place left in the building to find Seb.
It was the last resort.
She has to be there!
The basement storage.
He knew the place well because of their last encounter in there.
The underground area was a dim and dull place.
It had no connection or reach of electricity, thus one single lamp supported the whole area.
And Seb was kept captive in that dingy place.
It was small enough and Iven had not even spent 20 seconds to find her out.
It was dark where he found her finally.
But his eyes had never been more clear.
Noah's words struck him hard.....they reconstructed back in his head.
I wish you won't see her the way I've.
He was completely nailed on his feet, staring in a daze, unable to take on any emergency move.
He wished again and again if he had the capability to rewind back time.
He knew his visuals were betraying him.....but it was true to the core!
He knew that he should act fast instead of spacing out, but none of his body parts would move.
He won't even blink!
In front of his eyes....there was Seb!
His Belle!
She was in horrific imprisonment without any crime....without any cause...
Her hands shackled above her head, hung to the extent that her feet barely touched the ground.
Her head stooped low, exhausted, and her clothes torn and filthy.
The blood all over her clothes were dark and dried up. But it was obvious she had been bleeding profusely, god knows how much and for how long.
There was layer from behind her head as Noah had said...and also on her wrist which might have been injured due to resisting the shackles for long.
The scratches and scars on her neck and arms were obviously someone's terrible torture.
Included, the wound on her leg looked miserable like never. It had swollen alarmingly.
Even the dressing was taken off!
There were still some blood drops dropping down on the floor,....from her drooped mouth.
A drop of tear slid down through Iven's cheeks.
It was too much to take in altogether!
She underwent these all by herself just because she got herself involved in his affairs....
Just because he let her into his life.
Seb coughed a bit.....it was even difficult to collect to energy for that.
Blood spat from her lips.
She managed to sustain a little sense ....but not enough to distinguish anyone in front of her.
”Had....enough?”, her voice creepily changed. She grasped her breath and tried speaking again,”End this...misery already! Kill me..'coz you...can't get anything outta me”.
Telling that took out all of her energy. Another streak of blood escaped her mouth.
”Tame...my corpse”, Seb's voice was fading.
Iven wanted to be proud of Seb, but he couldn't.
Not at such a huge cost. This is not worth it.
If she sacrificed this much just to protect something Iason was after, it's not worth it at all.
Iven had promised to protect her once,....but she ended up being the one protecting him.
Yet again!
She's the one who's been protecting him and the others all this while.
And she acted up on that foolishness again.
Iven wiped off his eyes and finally broke free from the shock. He approached Seb gathering his mind.
Raising his hand, he reached for her cheek to caress it.
She had always differentiated him and Iason. And now, she can't because he has put her in this situation.
Seb hissed and tried to dodge him with her full will,”.....you dare....!”, still stuck up on her pride. She gave up her body, but not her pride.
”...Belle...”, Iven called softly. He suppressed his sob.
Seb knew that accent.
Only Iven could utter her name with such intense, no doubt.
It was him....he's come for her finally.
She forced her head up.
Her face was a mess,”Iven....”, her voice losing strength.
He held her cheeks gently,”It's alright...it's me”.
-I'm so sorry....Iven.....
-No babe...you've done good hanging in there! Don't say anything anymore.