52 A kind deb (1/2)

Seb stormed in the green room and checked around.

Majority of her teammates had fallen victims. Others who had managed to survive it, were treating them.

They all turned around to look up as she entered, clearly been wondering her disappearance for a while.

Their eyes still had the hope and determination in them. It was not shattered yet and that's what is needed to still win.

Seb took steps ahead and paused among the crowd with more people.

Petra's knee and arm were band-aided. Thankfully it wasn't that serious.

Ryler had a big bruise on her leg. Somebody was spraying on it.

”Will you be able to continue?”, she asked coldly. More than anyone, Seb wanted Ryler to play. She and her suffered being the most target. She wanted her along side her to execute her plan.

”It'll take a lot than this to stop me”, Ryler replied differently.

Seb nodded in agreement and looked around at everyone with the same query in her eyes.

Everyone either nodded or showed a thumbs up.

”Alright then”, Seb continued,”Let's change the game”.

Everyone left what they were doing and paid close attention.

Petra said,”But Seb, only within half time how can we change our strategies? Especially when so many of us are injured?”.

”Injuries aren't a problem”, Ryler let it know.

”This plan is architect-ed in such a way, that'll we can play our game, win, avoid injuries and also....”, Seb paused for a suspense as all of them popped out their eyes for it.

”.....teach those huge rock blocks a lesson!!!”, she said firmly.

And the last line totally gained all the interest.

Seb threw away whatever they learned at practice, and assigned complete new positions and strategies.

It was clean and unbeatable, and can also prove a advantage against only the 'Meteors”.

After the whole description was given in details, everyone nodded in agreement looking at each other. If the technique is carried out successfully, gaining victory would be easy with their efforts. The plan was indeed full proof.

Seb was done, and then all the members started discussing about their parts among themselves. No one paid any more attention to their injuries since they were so excited to take out their change in the game. This was the first time they were going to play against their virtues.

Ryler got up after she was done tying her wound, as she caught Seb gesturing at her.

Ryler tilted her head in bewilderment as she approached her.

”Tell me Ryler...”, Seb put her arm around her shoulder hiding her lips behind her hair so that no one notices their whisper,”....are you the kind type or the wild type?”.

Ryler was quick enough to catch that evil mind of Seb, because that was buried deep inside of her too.

”I....”, she replied with as much a devilish smirk,”....am the just type, will that be enough?”

”More than enough!”, Seb patted her back roughly.

Within few minutes, Seb hatched a second plan to Ryler.

A confidential one, only among themselves!!!

But unlike the first one, it wasn't a game plan. It was a hideous plan!!!

Ryler found herself chuckling like a psycho after Seb disclosed her mind.


The break was over, and the announcement was made to report on the field.

The strange thing that the 'Meteors' noticed after returning was that, none of the 'Panthera's' showed any sign of broken confidence or nervousness! And that was really contrary to what they had imagined which was they would be totally giving up by the time

But oppositely, they looked more energised and back in form.

It didn't look like they were so brutally wounded few minutes back, the nerves were steady as it were before and more!

Seb and Ryler were standing beside each other as they lined up.

The first face they face was of her!!!...Meldin!!!...

And they still had no fear to face her in the eyes.

Meldin was quite amazed to see their guts after what she had proudly committed.

But still, she sprang back on her actions.

She knew well that Seb was the one who fell victim the most, but she didn't know that it was kept from her team. She was even more surprised to see her walk and jog so easily. Little did she know that Seb could barely feel a thing inside that wound which was tight inhumane by Iven.

She chose Seb again for her spicy comments.

”Hey leader!”, she was being sarcastic,”Still not enough for you?”.

Ryler turned her eyes at Seb since even she didn't know that Seb was hurt too,”Seb, are you hurt somewhere too?”, she whispered inaudible.

”It's negligible”, Seb winked casually and turned to face Meldin back.

Even wounded, it wasn't able to pull her back from the fight of wits. She has never backed off on words.

”Are you even putting up a real fight?”, she shook her head in disappointment. Ryler hid her smile.

Meldin wasn't ready for that as she flinched.

”I guess it wasn't enough”, she gritted her teeth,”You'll see what a 'Meteor' shower is now”, she openly challenged.

Seb just grinned at her as a acceptance.

The whistle blew again.

From the first few minutes, the 'Meteors' noticed that something has changed within the 'Panther's' gaming style. They were playing it very cool and yet, no one was able to grab on that certain style.

They weren't even able to place any hold on the ball.

Why would they, the ball wasn't in possession of any of the 'Panthera's for more than 5 seconds at maximum.

They switched deliberately but with no attempt for a goal. They were not even approaching the post.

They were just passing it in circles before any of the 'Meteors' could get near.

Even if they might were trying to waste time, still there was no sign of a goal.

The first 15 minutes were spent thus.

Still no progress, none of the 'Meteors' were able to catch their strategy or intention.

One person though, had successfully studied the tactics with 1 minute of the game.

Since Iven was the once who had hinted Seb to victory.

It is none other than Seb herself who could have planned this.

The 'Panthera's' played it smart indeed, and were at ease.

The only thing Iven said to Seb was that,”Why don't you take advantage of their weakness?”.

That's it.

And Seb scavenged a whole full proof strategy out of it. She's indeed a leader without a title. All she needs is a little motivation! And she'll do it all on her own.

Despite that, Iven couldn't help but only wonder about that wound on her leg.

His eyes were at her limb instead of the game.

But she wasn't showing any signs of fatigue.

How much is she enduring for this long?

With that thing, it wouldn't have been possible for a normal person to hang on even for a while!!!

Another 15 minutes went without any excitement.

The audience was losing their enthusiasm.

Iven watched keenly.Any moment Seb can strike now. It's not to miss.

The 'Meteors' were panting and sweating like pigs by the time already.