48 Prone to (2/2)
Seb didn't reply but tightened her jaws. If so many people were against them, they must live up to their negative reputations. She need to look out.
When the 'Meteors' entered, they exposed absolute attitude, clearly looking down on the opponents confidently. From their looks, they didn't even consider them opponents.
On the other hand, ”Panthera's' didn't even meet their eyes and held on to their dignity.
To try other methods to drag down their confidence, one of the 'Meteors' approached one of the 'Panthera's'.
Lissie Ryler, commonly known as Ryler, is a shy and introverted person.
But when she played, she was open swifter.
Her personality seems to change when she's in a game.
”How're ya feel'in before losing?”, the way she spoke was indeed a mock from itself.
”We didn't lose yet”, Ryler didn't look in her eyes and continued her stretching.
”We can clearly premonit that”, shot the girl with a rough tone,”Your last game was lame anyways”.
Ryler froze and looked up at the girl. Her cold eyes were electrifying with that of her opponent. She stands no one making fun of her game.
”Ya'll cheerleaders!!!”, the girl grabbed the silence as a chance,” Forfeit while you still can in one piece”.
Ryler had no talent in winning people over wits and sarcasms. She kept on just staring with anger suppressed within.
Suddenly a hand looped over her shoulder.
Ryler looked at Seb, and looked back at the opponent with a smirk.
And there's Seb, no one can defeat her when it comes to word play.
”Let us say the same to you”, piercing straight through the eyes she continued,”It'll save you a humiliated defeat”.
”Who're ya?”, spat the girl,” Never seen you before!”.
Seb was almost quick to reply catching the situation,”Why? Afraid already?”
”Huh!!!”, she was annoyed already,” Newcomers are more fun to play with. Look at your tiny size, why are even hired?”
”Look who's talking about sizes”, Seb laughed shortly joined by Ryler. She enjoyed the backfires from Seb.
”What did'ya say???”, the girl was almost ready to throw a punch at her.
”Exactly what did you hear! Did you even hear?”, Seb was calm with sharp words.
The girl was already fuming with rage.
”You little punk...”, she was ready to ponce on Seb when suddenly a voice called from behind.
”Meldin!!!”, it said,”The match is already announced, come here!”.
Meldin had paused on her tracks, still throwing a dark glance at Seb.
Seb tilted her head and gave a smile full of sarcasm.
'I'll show you in the game”, she threatened and left.
”Better do”, Seb said after she had left,”Serves you right”, she turned at Ryler.
But Ryler shook her head and said,”Not a very good consequence Seb. They'll return this insult in the game, I'm sure!!!”.
”Don't be nervous for these overconfident freaks Ryler”, Seb assured.
Ryler noticed something and said,”Meldin is pointing at you to her teammates. They will target you now”.
Seb had seen that too.
”We'll see”, Seb rubbed her palms.