47 Silent dilemmas (2/2)

She turned her head casually once to sigh, but it got stuck on her stare midway. He eyes popped!

Iven was at an eyelock, without even blinking.

And she thought she was smart enough to outwit him.

Their faces were blank, Iven with a little frown due to lack of chances to explain himself.

Seb hid her face instantly, but Iven was glued to her way.

All the whole time the meeting went on, Iven had his fixed gaze on her with Seb trying to figure out ways to out ran him later. She didn't look back at him once, but felt a cold shiver all the time of his eyes on her.

Seb didn't have to be in such a situation if she didn't have to play.

She could have bailed out due to the injury on her eye. But her Senior was hell bent on her playing for which he personally made sure that it was well enough to let her play.

The wound only had a scar above the eye, covered with a band-aid. But it showed clear signs from the harm of the 1st and 2nd attacks. The faint blue skin color was yet to heal, along with the blood clot inside her eye which gave her a vicious stare. She regretted using that nuisance eye patch which could have helped her out.

They almost gave up hope when she was injured in the last match and risked the game by letting her go.

Only when she appeared without her patch that morning, her teammates caught her like the paparazzi and forced her back. She had no excuses left.

It might have appeared to others that if Seb is able to talk and run, then she's is living well enough to battle against the world.

But when Iven had a glimpse of it in the morning, he felt huge pangs of guilt and pain in himself.

He was unable to protect her, even with his power!

He tried to enquire, but was cut off short by Seb.

He's been keeping an eye on her though.

If they had their healthy relation ongoing, he would have protested playing in the match righteously.

Seb was still calculating how to escape.

She was in no position or interest to face Iven.

She knew he did wrong, but the fact that she overreacted and at some point she was wrong too, was making her deny it even more.

The meeting was long

Seb was hoping that Iven would give up, but Iven's will was stubborn than hers.

It was gradually coming to an end, with an increase in Seb's mind restlessness.

The library was shut and she couldn't have escaped there. It's an open arena, and Iven won't cease to follow her.

Now she has to step for the situation on her own, pretending to seem bold.

One lucky situation was that, she had her bike.

Only if she manages to sneak with it out from the gates and storm off, Iven won't have a chance.

Iven was all over the front gates.

Seb mixed among her football team mates, and somehow creeped towards the bike stand.

As soon as she was there, she rushed towards her bike and started unlocking it in a jiffy.

One more step to go...faster.....come on....

On the other hand, Iven was no novice.

He had a clear copy manuscript of Seb's mind and intentions.

He knew about the sleek gate behind the bike stand and knew well when Seb avoided the front gates. She must have brought her bike and planning on slipping out.

Seb was pretty impressed with her plan.

He must be waiting at the gates now, such a fool....she was thinking as she dragged her bike out from the thin gate.

”He's yet to learn things”, she was muttering intently.

”Such a tragic sight to behold”.

With a amazed shock, Seb turned jolting...and there he was leaning on to the walls carefree, hands tucked in pockets and smirk expression.

Seb took a while to understand that her tactic was breached without a effort by Iven.

He outsmarted her without using a percent of his skills.....is she that easy to figure out?....Or is it just Iven???

Her cheeks turned red due to embarrassment while facing him.

She looked away from him but didn't leave.

Iven could read moments well and he knew all about her in no time.

He chuckled quietly once as he looked down.

His hands out of pocket and crossed across.

His eyes at her, with a tilted warm gaze.

She could feel it and felt more embarrassed.

”Not gonna acknowledge your boyfriend any further?”, he teased.

”Shut up!”, came the suppressed scold.

She still didn't turn at him.

”I missed you”, came the sudden confession,”I was wrong”.

Seb breathed hard. She calmed down and her cheeks returned to normal. Only Iven has the capacity to do this to him. She had made him suffer enough, and it's time to give in to her temper. Else she'll be the one who will ruining things after all. Because he indeed tried his best the whole day.

Seb slowly turned her face sideways towards him.

Her face serene.

Her expression completely contrast from before. It was cool and a hidden smile on the corner of her lips.

She spoke timidly,”Want to...” she continued,”...walk home along?”

And the slow smile that spread across whole over Iven's face slowly, really threw Seb in a thought that a person she misjudged can change so dramatically. The smile...is really so honest and worth pitying. Is he really the same person...or she mistook him? Those eyes are so sparkling when asked to tag along!

He almost sped up to her and gave another smile.

Seb hid her face again.

It's too shiny for her to handle.

”Are you blushing?”, Iven knew that if Seb is accounted for things she's doing and doesn't want to do, she gets mad. He finds it cute and deliberately does it to annoy her.

As expected, Seb punched on his bicep and sulkingly she left her bike.

Iven caught it, as Seb pocketed her hands.

They started walking without another word.

Seb still sulking, and Iven's eyes watching her from the corners and still smiling at her red ears.

He slowly led out an inaudible laugh.

A minute later, when Iven quietly reached out for Seb's hand as he still held the bike with another, out from her pocket, and Seb didn't resist(only little amused), without even meeting each other's eyes, they knew that they have earned the capability of solving arguments with no word....but gesture alone.