46 Hell struck times (1/2)

Iven stood, his expression totally inscrutable. It was rather more scary when he reveals being in anger. He rather started walking back and forth due to anxiety.

The boys stood motionless, head hung low. Seb was looking else where with droopy eyes but down or Iven. After the long day she was indeed sleepy. But she couldn't have escaped Iven, or couldn't have left the guys on their own. After all, it was her idea. Her face was still arrogant and stubborn, in denial that they were wrong!

When they had reached the ship so late, Iven was right outside the entrance, pacing restlessly. His face was frown enough already as it is, but it puckered even more when he understood that something has happened for sure.

They've dirt and wounds all over. He would've thundered relentlessly on them if Seb wouldn't have exposed herself from behind the huge figures.

He had chocked and his face had lost it's color at not only her sight, but also her bandaged eye, the gauze stained red.

Seb had looked straight into his eyes with a promise of explanation which prevented him from getting all over the boys.

Yuka was the one to come forth and explain everything. Even he was getting nervous.

The incident had seemed as if it threw Iven in a dark pit!

The thing he feared has happened, that too so soon!!! Iason didn't care to delay his actions this time. Also, things didn't go according to him, things will worsen now!

He is bound to strike again. Iven wasn't least convinced that they managed to return safe. It was sheer luck. The next blow will be major! It won't be easy for their likes to get through.

Since the time they had entered the main hall of the ship, Iven haven't spoken a single word. He seemed to have completely engulfed himself in shock and anger. He has been heavily panting too.

Seb kept away her contact and her attitude from him since then too.

”You guys have to say anything for yourselves?”, Iven broke the silence without looking up.

He didn't shout or scold, but his voice was stinging. His throat has cracked. He never thought that Yuka and the others could defy him and become careless to this extent.

No one replied.

Not even Yuka.

Noah was hiding behind Mak.

”Nothing?”, Iven looked at Yuka.

He stole a glance and kept staring down.

Seb shook her head slowly and folded her arms and immediately dropped them. It still hurt due to the earlier blow.

”Did you enjoy at your best? I'm glad”, his words were getting calmly piercing,”And what are the consequences?”

”That's it Iven!”, Seb interrupted raising her voice.

Iven looked at her. This time there was clear anger in them.

”I was the one who took them”, Seb confessed as clear as crystal,”I'm the one to be accused, they're not to be blamed!”.

”Belle...”,Iven clenched his teeth and tried holding back his temper,”Stay out of this issue”.

”You're consulting something regarding me, so include me in it too”, she challenged,” Else don't meddle with my life!”.

-I've got the rights upon my reign, upon them too!

-It's not even eligible. You call yourselves their brother, and assign them whatever you feel like???

-You...have no say in this.

-I do!!! I've seen them from an angle you can never think off. You can just control and order them around.

-I need to listen how I should teach them?

-Teaching...doesn't even cover it. If you wouldn't have sent them on this stupid task, I would have been long back home. And this all won't have happened.

-None of this would have happened if you haven't interfered!

-I did??? All I asked you to trust me a bit, and you couldn't even do that.

-Stop it, I knew this would happen. That's why I did it!

-Did this? Spying on my everyday stuff? This is a psychopath's obsession Iven!!!

Iven didn't reply immediately.

He stared at her for a while as he swallowed his temper at it's limit.

All the boys were at the edge of their seat at the heated argument. Seb really overdid it this time.

”Belle...”, Iven spoke in a cold low tone,”You're taking it too far”.

”You are the one who took it too far Iven”, Seb replied.

Nobody tried to break them up. They all were afraid to interfere. Seb has got guts to raise her voice up to such extent at Iven. They were trembling themselves. It wasn't still clear where the fight was dragging on. They both brought up each other's annoying traits at every point. But Iven really had it enough at the last line.

His breathing rate increased so did his heartbeat.

He didn't break his eye-lock from Seb's for seconds.

Suddenly he dashed at Seb with huge steps and grabbing her arm he pulled he with a rough jerk. Seb was caught off guard as she stumbled on her steps.

Iven didn't seem to care.

His point had crossed limits.

He dragged Seb with him ruthlessly and exited the room.

The boys gasped in horror. Things didn't go good, nor as planned.

Iven literally forced on Seb. Only if she didn't volunteer to take their offence all on herself.

Seb struggled to break free as she tried hard to escape Iven's inhuman grip.

”Let go!”, she protested in pain because he held her arm too tight on the injured part, but he was blindly angered.

Iven pulled her to his room, banged open his door and almost threw Seb inside, closing the door loudly behind him.