41 Under Lucifers mercy (1/2)
The rest of the night was magical to describe.
Seb and Iven delayed their way back as much as possible without the intention themselves. The moment was melancholy as no one said a single word. They kept sneaking glances occasionally at each other, trying to scrutinize their thoughts. But even though the faces were explainable, they were aware of each other well enough. Silence said it all, it had their back.
The date has indeed taken turn to the better way. It didn't turn out as expected, but even negative things are successful in dragging out the best at last sometimes. It was truly remarkable the way it finally turned out. Perilous, but precious.
Both of them had their palms entwined together, close enough to listen to the fastening heartbeats. The blushes were almost permanent on their cheeks and they did try to put extra effort to avoid an eye contact.
Even when they were in front of Seb's apartment already, Iven's hold on her fingers increased. He didn't want to let go. Seb was looking at him, gesturing for his permission to let go. He had a intense face put up as he was looking down, it was inscrutable to Seb. She waited for him to explain.
'Belle I...”, he started,”...I'm sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have left you alone. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I would have reached another moment later”. His voice was shaky and hoarse.
Seb smiled softly to ease him,”Oh Iven...you don't have to be so anxious. You know I could have taken care of it. No one knows it better, right?”.
”No Belle!”, Iven almost raised his voice in protest,”Iason is different from me. He's a complete contrast. And recall it, you were totally frozen when he was about to take you. I hope you know the reason. Don't get mistaken due to appearances”.
”He won't dare”, Seb was being assured,”He has issues with you. He won't probably mess with me”.
”Belle...”, Iven was frowning,”Iason....has a addictive habit of stealing my belongings. If he can't own them, he'll destroy them”.
”Now that I've been warned of.....”, Seb said,”I won't let myself get possibly destroyed. Don't worry, if he tries anything funny, he will have a taste of me”.
”No!!!”, Iven forbid firmly,”Don't even think of taking a step by yourself. Be cautious when I'm not around”.
”Iven, I think you are over reacting...”, Seb was interrupted by another concerned statement,” You just promise me not to do anything foolish and put yourself in danger. Just stay alert and ring up on me or the boys when something is suspicious, OK?”
Seb was quiet. She couldn't take the suggestion of being looked over well. Sure it feels good to be taken care of, but not this way. She doesn't want to give Iven any trouble because of herself. She has always been self-dependent.
Iven read her mind well and sighed,”I know Belle,..... it's fine to rely on me. You are bold....but just give me this chance to protect you, OK?”, he tightened his grip on her hand,”Do I have your words?.....please?”.
Seb nodded and looked up with a smile. She could do this much for his satisfaction when he's being so sincere.
Iven smiled without holding back, and pulled her closer to himself.
She leaned on to his body carelessly, placing her side on his chest.
Iven buried his face in her messed up curls and continuously ran fingers through them, messing them up more. He likes it when she's being unbothered about grooming.