38 Where it all started (1/2)
Iven had his firm hold on Seb this whole time, even after they were away from the lane and the weird psychopath at a distance. He showed no intention to let go of her hand or at least loosen the grip a bit. He held her wrist, which hurt even more.
Seb doubted if her wrist was already bruised, she could feel the heat in her muscles.
She did try to pull back once, but it revolted as Iven pulled her even harder to ensure that she won't escape or disappear.
He was walking at a tremendous pace too. Seb stumbled a few times, but didn't notify him. It wasn't probably the best time to interrupt the mind he is now. She willingly gave herself to him and let him do whatever it takes to ease his high anger.
Seb could swear she had heard heavy grunts out of his breath as he fumed with rage. She has never seen him like this before. This anger was indifferent. Different from the times she had seen him angry!
It had been 10 minutes they were walking. Seb knew that if she let it continue, it won't stop at any consequence. And she only could stop him, though she must choose her words carefully.
Finally when she called out, she tried to as humble as possible and not trying to piss Iven off even more,” Iven.....please calm down for a moment okay?.....”.
Obviously it was bound to work!
Iven started slowing down his steps to a pause. He stopped for a while and looked back, but he didn't let go of her wrist.
He noticed that Seb was panting. He realized the situation, and wasn't aware of the time.
Seb studied his eyes and seized the opportunity pleading,” You can let go Iven, I promise I won't go any where”, she gave her words.
She felt his hand shaking lightly, he was hesitating. She tapped it softly twice and was freed immediately.
She looked up at him and gave a grateful smile. Then she let out a sigh of tiredness. Iven looked around rolling his eyes and reached his hand inside his pocket.
A small bottle Kiwi juice popped in front of Seb's face.
”It might help...”, he said timidly.
Seb took it from his hand. She indeed needed it. It felt nice when she took a sip of the drink.
Then she looked up again at him. This time her eyes were piercing. Iven knew that look well.
Here comes Sybelle!!!
Iven took his first speech before she could,”Belle, I'm so sorry. We need to talk...”.
”We sure do”, Seb tilted her head with a blank expression.
”Alright alright.....go for it”, Iven assured,”...I'll try my best”.
Seb started walking slowly. She never liked having conversations at a constant place. Based on her personality, she needs to move around. Motion gives her concentration.
Iven followed a few seconds later and maintained his position one step behind her. He dared not match her level. In short, he was a little afraid. Whenever Seb is in mode, she's pretty much like a FBI agent!!!
”You lied to me!”, came the first iron-blow.
”I did, it was more like hiding the truth”, Iven kept up with her. He was brave enough to admit.
”Is this why you always dodged me whenever I inquired about your siblings?”, Seb asked.
”He's not my brother!!!”, Iven hyped up.
”Denial won't change the truth Iven!”, Seb said with a icy voice. It was one of her traits. Emotions can't change what is really true. And in this case, it was obvious,”You two not have one physical trait to differentiate. I almost fell for his trap...”, confessed Seb.
”Almost?', Iven pointed out,”...ah the clothes!!!”.
”Not the clothes”, Seb said almost immediately,” That was not the issue. It was....”, Seb paused a second,”...the eyes!!!”.
Iven looked confused,”Was he wearing contacts? We have the same color...”
Seb gave him the disappointed look,”I could tell them apart after staring into them for a second. His eyes are just like yours when I first met you, demonic and lifeless cold. He was your version of Lucifer, but darker. If you would still be the same, I had no way of surviving. I looked right through him and instantly knew it wasn't you at all”.
”Then why the hell you didn't defend???”, Iven snapped,”Surely you aren't so weak that you can't self defend if you can smash me so many times?”
Seb stole glances. Iven narrowed his eyes and said sharply,”Belle!”.
”You...”, Seb wasn't looking in his eyes,”...it wasn't that easy....I just couldn't...let's not talk about it”, Seb was trying to skip the topic.
Iven understood her face within no time.
She couldn't possibly have resisted him. They have the same face after all. She couldn't have brought herself up to hurt him. Even if he would have tried something nasty, the level of faith had already gone higher past that level. But even it were to happen ever again, and Seb is unable to fight back, it won't result so well.
All of a sudden Seb backfired,”And you better explain yourself instead of getting all over me!!!”, she said,”What's the feud all about? From where did another you pop out of no where???”.