4 College rush (1/2)

”Okay then, first I've got my English assignment and the Math. I've got sketching too but I can do that on my own, then comes...” Seb tried to recall others pending works of her.

Erica was losing her patience as she finally beamed,”How many assignments in all do you have pending??? Did you practically do nothing these 3 whole months?”

Seb tried to be amusing to calm down Erica,”Well I had my Volleyball Tournament, then those documentaries and....”

”Shut your face girl!!!”, Erica scolded,”You're scorching my head”.

Seb laughed throatily.

”Can you be more pathetic??”, Erica threw a disgusted look at her.

”May be not”, Seb said in a little calm manner,”....because I've sent all the researched material in your mail already. All you have to do is collect them and copy it”.

”Thank god”, said Erica,”At least you have that much etiquette.”

”That's called courtesy Eric”, Seb threw a comic look.

Erica adjusted her spectacles again and sighed,”Not those boyish accents Seb, not them”.

”It would be actually rude if I didn't do that much”, Seb directed to her sending the notes,”But don't be so happy. It's like 30 pages”.

-Don't doubt my abilities. These stuffs are child play for me.

-It's obvious. Halt!!!...comes the topper!!!

-Shhhh!!!...Please Seb, everyone is staring.

-Let them see, they should be beware of you.

-You never seem to miss the opportunity to embarrass me.