69 Chapter 19: The Set Out 2 (1/2)
We rode Osteell's automobiles and headed towards the southernmost borders where Ak'hilheim Kingdom is located.
The snow covered land of Greenrun transitions into lush greenery the farther we go. Staring at the scenery outside soon made me rather sleepy. I closed my eyes for a moment, the next thing I knew I had fallen asleep and it was already dusk.
I didn't notice how long was I out but when I woke up, I found Levi reading some papers compiled in a folder.
Eriol is fast asleep.
”You didn't sleep?” I asked Levi, breaking the silence.
Levi lifted his eyes at me, ”I'm trying to finish reading these reports...”
”You left Osteell without finishing your work this time?”
He closes the folder down to his lap, ”It's no big deal. I can finish them all in time anyway. We need to focus on getting Aerra back.”
Again with this conversation, I thought –sighing.
”How are your wounds by the way?” He digressed. ”I heard you broke some bones...”
”I'm good. Thanks for all the healers you sent over.”
”I believe none has even seen an inch of you. How could you possibly recovered?”
”I have a remarkable constitution aaaand I heal fast!” I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
”Doesn't matter how, I suppose. As long as you're fine now.” He concluded, opening the folder again and went on reading the papers. Few moments pass, he once again spoke— this time more quietly. ”I have been wondering about something...”
”What is it?” I asked, shifting on my seat.
”What are you up to? And why suddenly study those symbols from that chamber?” He questions. I noticed his watchful eyes fixed on mine.
”Don't you think it's interesting though? A weird pattern of symbols carved deep inside a chamber that exist so close to home... it must mean something!”
”Quite frankly, I think it's a waste of time. There are far more important matters to deal with... and knowing you, you won't be so fixated on something unless Aerra is involved.” He retorted, ”So what's so important about it?”
I found myself laughing mildly. ”You got me, Levi. Yeah, you're right. It's about understanding things that might be related to my sister. But right now, I'm still not sure if those things really have a clear connection. It's the only lead I have so I'm investigating it with Eriol.”
Levi closes his folder once again. ”Enlighten me, why do you think those symbols are relevant at all?”
”The minerals that covered the walls are thick, aren't they? They were built there over time. The oxidation of some of those minerals from the built up allowed some of them to become crystals. That's what the bandits where digging. But when I questioned them, they told me it was Faram who told them about the crystals.”
”I don't know how Faram could have found out that there is a layer inside the mineral deposits —that he went out his way to manipulate bandits to excavate the place for him. And with the width of the dug out, I'd say it took over centuries for the walls to be covered like that. Now how would Faram know about something that old? So I thought... maybe he knows a secret about the chamber that we don't. But if I think about it, he just had those symbols revealed. He didn't particularly did anything there-after ...aside from taking my sister, that is.”
”Had you tried looking for those symbols in the history of Greenrun or the High throne for that matter?”
”I tried searching for it inside Greenrun, never found anything. I would be surprised if Faram got that information from sneaking inside the Grantzæl city though... but if we consider that, then that would mean he's investigating something bigger than just taking my sister away.”
Levi sunk further to his seat and closed his eyes in a sigh. ”It seems like Ouboros is really something more than we thought, huh?”
”But what if Faram didn't sneak to Grantzæl City? What if he just really knew the existence of that chambers underneath Greenrun's Great Lake?” Eriol says all of a sudden.
I quivered at Eriol's sudden output, who suddenly spoke and joined the conversation. Both Levi and I turned to Eriol as he sat errect and his eyes fly open.
”Geez! You surprised me!” I muttered. ”Since when have you been awake?”
”So you're implying that Faram just straight-out knows about those chambers? What're your basis?” Levi directly inquired.
”I was just stating what if's. I'm not implying anything! I mean, the fact that the elite mercenaries are regrouping despite having no leader means they are after something. Maybe it's related to why they are 'watching the rot'”
”What rat?” Levi asks, one brow arched up.
”It's rot! It's a term they used to pertain to the great decay that happens once every century in this continent.” I explained. ”Like what the prophecy mentioned...”
”And you believe that?” Levi rubbed his temples. I knew he would dismiss us if we bring that out...
”It's not just about the legends or prophecies... The rot is actually just a word to explain what it does. The real root of the rot is actually a dark element called Miasma— which means the rot happens to the entire realm. But because this continent has been cleared off from any dark element for so many centuries, the reaction to miasma is far worse. Hence, causing the great decay which is a calamity according to the legends that the Fallen one had caused.... But as to where the miasmas are originating from or what cause them to appear now... is entirely another enigma we haven't figure out yet.”
There was silence. I eyed Levi back as he just glared at me, perhaps trying to figure out if I'm joking.
After few more awkward silence, Levi grunts in exasperation.
He's definitely not believing anything I'm saying...
”What is the connection of Aerra to all of these? We were talking about how this Faram guy knows about the chambers underneath the lake... how did you two suddenly arrive to that conclusion?”
”On the contrary, we don't have any conclusions yet” Eriol responded.
”I know it sounds ridiculous to you” I added, ”but I'm compelled Faram— or Ouboros for that matter— is after something that is related to the rot or something further that exist for centuries. That's how he knew.”
Levi shook his head, dismissing the conversation. ”Alright, I'll just let you do whatever it is you're trying to accomplish here. If you need anything, just let me know but for the mean time, I'm hoping you guys to help me get Aerra back.”
”I can't make promises, Levi. If Aerra doesn't want to return, I won't force her to.” I replied
”Same here” Eriol stated.
”Trying is better than doing nothing...” Levi uttered, opening his folder and raising it to his eye level. ”We will soon reach a town. We'll stay there for awhile and wait for my other men to arrive.”
”Why bring more men?”
”We will conduct a search, of course! I had some of the prototypes of my projects sent along. I need men who can operate it and transport it so we might be arriving grand. But don't worry, I already sent the warden of the South a message about our arrival few days prior.”
”Wait— Prototypes? What is that?”
”You will see them soon...” he smiled ever so lightly, ”I wanted to show it to you when it's finalized but with the nature of the situation at hand, I suppose it won't hurt to release the prototypes as a test run.”
”You're not making any sense...” I grunted, glaring at him indifferently.
”Forget it.” he sighed. ”I actually distributed a few numbers of them a couple of days ago. I even let it search the woodland area of Greenrun. Your father seemed pleased with the extra aid.”
”Yeah... my father wants to believe Aerra has been abducted.”
”That's because it's the easiest reason to swallow. Blaming others are a pretence of human instinct to protect theirselves, either mentally, emotionally, or physically. But personally, I believe it's mostly to cover their deficiencies— for not being able to do enough.”
He doesn't mince words, huh?
”So you believe this is all our fault?”
Levi arched one brow, ”Do you blame Ouboros mercenaries for losing your sister?”
I know the truth so I shook my head. ”No...”
”How about the beliefs of this land and the people who spreads such teachings against dark elements?”
Again, I shook my head. ”Let people believe what they want to believe. What's important is what you believe in. Nothing else matters after that.”
Levi snickered, ”You're still so naive...”
”How about you? Fancy how you talk about blaming others is the easiest way to accept the situation! You're the one to talk”
Levi smiled, ”Yes, you're right. I'm just vindicating against my own inadequacy.”
My brows furrowed unknowingly. Levi is really weird sometimes...
”If I manage to retrieve your twin sister... I'm telling you this now— I'm taking her back with me to my Empire.”
I can see Eriol glaring at him, appalled. I just nudged my elbow at him. Eriol sighed and just looked away, focusing at the view outside the windows.
This is a declaration, I thought. Levi said it as a statement and not for a permission.
I don't want to flip out now... so I just took one deep breath.
I doubt he'll succeed anyway but...
”Let's say you did... how would you deal with the other wardens and nobles if they found out you're keeping a dark magus inside your walls?”
”It's 'Aerra'... use her name. Don't talk like her element separates her from us.” His tone became stiff. He's more sensitive about her than I am. This guy is more devoted than I thought. I didn't reply and just waited for him to continue.
”I'm prepared, if that's what you're asking about.”
”Alright...” I shrugged. ”Let's see first if you can make Aerra agree to your plans.”
We arrived at the border town and ate supper in an inn Levi rented. Yes, that's right— he rented an entire establishment...