63 Chapter 17: The Theurgist 2 (1/2)
We landed in an isolated area, somewhere in one of the outer walls of the Sultan's Palace.
There are still on-going construction sites nearby with scaffoldings and tall arching aqueducts.
Few openings with vertical iron bars that seem to lead to the sewer system are seen on the walls of the castle with canals granting continuous access to murky waters that flows towards the passage.
Luckily, there are no soldiers around.
I cursed under my breath.
This must be a play of fate, I thought. Of all places to look for the rot, it has to be here.
”I shouldn't be here...” I told Jin as he jumps down and headed to pet Naya on her head.
”I'm actually trying to avoid the noblebloods that live in this very place. Especially their visitor— the Osteell Empire.”
”What'd ya do? Did you assassinate someone from their family or something?” Jin asks as I leaped down and walked to where he stood.
”No, it's nothing like that.”
”We'll just have to avoid getting seen then. No sweat!” Jin stated and as he began to scout the area. I know there's no royal guards anywhere but I still feel restless to be here.
But then, I realized I'm being ridiculous. Jin is right! If I'm seen, I'll just run or hide.
As simple as that! What am I getting too worked up for anyway?
What's wrong with me?
I loosen my stiff shoulders and released a loud sigh.
I know why...
It's because of Levi...
Deep inside, there's a part of me that still wants to face him and another part of me saying I should avoid him.
I scouted my eyes around and noticed Naya is staring at me.
I walked closer towards her head. She doesn't seem terrifying despite her looks.
”Naya, can you really talk?” I whispered, facing her.
Naya shook her head but responded,
「It's not exactly talking.
But we can communicate like this.
Most humans don't hear the likes of us.
Not even Jin...」
She turns her head to where he is.
”If Jin can't hear you, how do you communicate with each other?” I asked
「Jin cannot hear me but he has the instinct to understand what I mean most of the time.」
I just watch Jin as Naya did.
”But how do you know I could hear you?” I asked, veering my eyes back to Naya.
「Strong magus, especially those that wields the dark element, are the only ones that can converse with dæmons like me. It has always been like that for so many centuries. Jin however, is a light magus. He's strong but not strong enough to equate to someone like you.」
”Someone like me?”
”Yo! C'mhere! I found an entrance! Err, something that looks like an entrance at least...” Jin hollered, waving both his arms as he stood beside the door-like openings in the castle walls that leads to the sewers.
「Go now. Please look after him for me.」
I began to walk away reluctantly.
I wanted to talk with Naya some more but I guess I can just do that later on since Jin is in a hurry.
I watch Jin grab the iron bars and began to bend them aside as if it's the easiest thing to do. He then steps inside, dipping his shoes to the murky waters.
I grimaced at the sight of it.
I just bought a new pair of shoes! And I'm already walking them to a canal... crap!
”Hey, hurry up!” he calls out as his voice echoed when he began to delve in deeper to the passage.
Jin raised his hand and a fire emits on his palm. He then adjusts his mask on more properly, covering half of his face.
I just followed a little from behind.
The sewer systems of Ak'hilheim consist of underground canals and multiple passages with narrow walkways on the side. The walls are moist with grime and molds, and the walkways are slippery too!
I watch the murky water flowing like a stream. The air is stagnant and putrid. I can't help but to pinch my nose.
Jin glances at me from over his shoulder, ”Nosebleeding again?” He chortles, ”Just admit it! You're really enthralled looking at me! It's not as if I'll be mad, y'know!”
”Just... keep walking.” I replied, ending the conversation.
I looked down and saw parts of my new shoes are wet from charging head on to the sewage waters awhile ago by the entrance. I'm at least relieved there's a walkway here instead of... ah! I just remembered I could dry myself.
I concentrated on my feet and focused on trying to repel the water off.
Slowly, I watched the blots of water began to roll away from my shoes. I feel so accomplished by just watching how I managed to do these kind of things now. I wonder what other things Faram will teach me about Null?
”Yo! Are you always silent like this? Or is that part of your training with Faram? Because I don't see anything wrong with making small talks! Unless you feel shy around me? In that case, we should get to know each other more until you warm up, yes?”
I look up and saw Jin walking backwards, he's facing me completely with hands crossed behind his head.
He's quite talkative.
”Jin, can I ask you something instead?” I murmured as he nodded vehemently, ”Ask away!”
”About dæmons... I'm curious if the humans that turned into dæmons because of the rot is the same with dæmons you mentioned that exist as a race outside this continent?”
Jin rubs his chin, ”I think so—? The dæmon race is vast and big like ours. There are ones that can think and rationalize like humans and there are those that are down right primitive; like they are only driven by primal instinct. Some look like monsters; some, animals; and you'd be surprised there are those that look very human too!”
Dæmons that resemble humans?
I suddenly remembered the dæmon I fought back in Greenrun... I remembered how it's teeth looked disturbingly similar to a human. Only they were bigger.
I remembered seeing Mr. Roderick deep inside that dæmon's eyes, how he was crying and pleading me to kill him...
He must have seen how his wife and children were chewed and ground by those human-looking teeth... the exact ones that belonged to the monster of which he became.
”Do you think those people that turned into dæmons can still feel and see what is happening around them despite becoming a monster?”
Jin didn't reply.
But I can see his lips parted open.
”Jin?” I called out
He snapped out and looked at me, ”I never really thought about that!”
”What if... deep inside they're still there... just watching in horror what's happening around them? What if they can still think as humans but they're not just able to control the monster that they have become?”
Jin straightened his back. ”Umm...” He began to walk tad slower.
I clenched my fists tighter from my sides, ”Do you think it's still possible to revert them back into humans?”
Now that would make a big difference if it did.
That would mean I just killed someone without really considering saving him first...
There was silence between us.
Suddenly, Jin stomped his foot down and stopped dead in his tracks. He shouted briefly and ruffled his hair vigorously, ”AAAH!!! My head will explode if you keep asking serious stuff like that!”
I just sighed in dismay.
Wrong person to ask, I guess.
”Do you usually think this deep?” he grumbles, pouting.
”Just answer this then,” I said, ”Do all dæmons came from the rot?”
He shook his head almost immediately, ”Of course not! I think it would help if you ask Faram those questions instead... he's the one with the dæmon blood after all.”
My eyes widened.
Both my brows rose up as my jaw went down.
”You mean you don't know?” He murmured, surprised at my reaction. ”Faram belonged to an infamous dæmon clan. I thought the innate color of his eyes gave it away!”
At lost for words, I just shook my head.
”You're weird. He's your master!” he laughs, beginning to walk forward once again.
”I... I know nothing about him actually.” I admitted, following after him. ”We don't really talk about his background or past. I doubt I would ever have the guts to ask, to be honest.”
Jin chortled. ”I understand, Faram is a little intimidating”
A little? He's the very definition, I thought.
”But y'know... going back to your questions about dæmons, it would be a revelation if people that turned to dæmons can revert back as humans...” Jin's tone suddenly seemed so serious. ”I don't think I've ever seen such thing before. We always resort in just eliminating the infected and the transformed as they usually are the berserk ones. No question asked. So...”
Jin paused. ”I think it would really make me feel bad for those that we killed if that is possible.”
I pursed my lips tight, ”Sorry for asking...”
He flinched, ”HUH?! What! Nooo! It's okay! Don't suddenly apologize for something like that! Hahaha!”
I studied him in silence. Jin is kind.
”No offense though but I'm so amazed how you're so clueless about the dæmon race! I've heard a lot of things about this continent but I never knew it was this serious.”
”No offense taken” I replied. Jin suddenly laughed.
”You're so polite! Hahaha!”
”Digressing, aren't we in a hurry awhile ago?”
Jin looked around. ”Well, we are here now— so there's no need to fuss anymore. I'm just waiting for it to manifest or at least materialize. Let's walk around some more. I'm sure it's around here somewhere!”
So... we're just going to walk aimlessly.
”What are we looking for exactly?”
”Don't you have the mask yet?” Jin looked at me as I studied his mask that covered only half of his face,
I shook my head.
”Oh. Exactly when did Faram took you in the group?”
”Just few days ago” I answered.
”Oh-ho! So a fresh new recruit, huh! Anyway—! Try my mask on! It will save me a hella explaining.” He took his mask off and handed it over to me.
I put it on and opened my eyes.
Surprisingly, it felt like I was only wearing glasses. I can see everything around me so clearly but...
There's... something else...