46 Chapter 13: Harvest Day (1/2)

Consciousness itself is a puzzling thing.

Whenever I sleep —even without any dreams, I just somehow know I'm asleep. With eyes closed, I feel myself surfacing a few inches from nothingness to a vague sense of awareness that I exist inside a body, just breathing and feeling like I'm floating over waters.

And slowly I'd sink back down, going deeper and deeper. Further away in a weightless sensation, hearing few noises around you but they're too distant to mind.

This way, it feels like I'm neither asleep nor awake.

Until I recognize the indecipherable sounds I hear from the background— birds chirping, that my first coherent thought pulls me up like a tide and drifts me to that door of light, finally surfacing.'It's morning already.'

My eyelids slowly open, blinking few more times until I am able to perceive where I am.

And then I move my body as though it's my first time to control this earthly vessel. First my chest expands, breathing in. And then a wave of yearning to stretch comes next; from my shoulders down to my lowers limbs as if I could reach the end of my bed. Until finally, a yawn escapes from my mouth. The final incantation to completely awaken my existence back to reality.

I rubbed at my eyes and turned to my one side.

And found a guy sleeping by the edge of my bed, occupying the huge space which is left unoccupied before, just beside me. Not too close but not too far either.

I usually scream and then yell at him, or even hide under the covers but so many weeks already passed from the day I first met this guy and finding him next to me had been such a routine every

I usually scream and then yell at him, or even hide under the covers but so many weeks already passed from the day I first met this guy and finding him next to me had been such a routine every. single. morning. that I just decided to watch his sleeping face until he wakes up, makes eye contact, greets me good morning groggily and then he walks up to my windows and jump off as if it's the most normal thing to do.

He is called as Eriol. He's our current mentor for guiding us how to use magic but he's actually just few years older than us. Aeron told me he's part of the Leingod Household under the House he named Windstray, for two years now, as a vassal. He's first in his line.

Windstray... what a weird House name.

I wonder how he came up with that?

After the encounter I had with Faram, they asked me a lot of things and confirmed that the only memories I cannot recall are the ones that's connected with him— Eriol.

Honestly speaking, he's a damn good-looking guy especially if he's asleep like this, he looks so vulnerable and fragile. Of course until he wakes up that you'll realize he has this mischievous side that enjoys antagonizing you quite a bit because it's fun for him... or at least lately— he's being annoying. They say he's my good friend though and that I spent a lot of time with him along with my brother. They told me he saved my life a couple of times. But I still can't understand why Faram would take away my memories of him. Only him.

'I'm coming back for you,' that's what Faram said before he left. So if he plans take me away in the first place, why bother erasing Eriol's every trace from my mind?

I wonder...

Well, so many things happened after that party. Despite Faram telling me he'll come back, he never had yet.

Maybe because of the increase of tight security. There are lots of soldier on patrol all around the castle and even around the city below, scattered almost everywhere especially surrounding the vicinity of my bedroom. Such additional numbers of soldiers came both from Osteell and from Grantzæl.

For an independent country, our Dukedom sure has a lot of security sources— all thanks to Levi and Kain.

I focused my attention back to Eriol. I stared at his sleeping face. He's not exactly as fair skinned as Levi, he doesn't have that lashes to die for either, but his cheeks... He has dimples right about here... I think? I very gently poke his face, few inches away from the corner of his lips where I recall the burrows of his face appear when he sneers or beams.

I wonder, what is it that makes you look so compelling to stare at? I thought to myself. It isn't just the dimples but it's a ridiculously effective charm nevertheless. If only he stays as mellow as this when he's awake. Oh wait— if he becomes listless, that would seem off putting for me.

...or not.

His lips quirks in a split second.


He's waking up.

This time his one brow crunched ever so subtly and his eyes slowly opens. Instantly, it focused at me. ”Good morning...” His lazy eyes bore into mine. ”Remember me yet?” he uttered with a voice just above a whisper.

I shook my head in reply.

'Why do you keep sleeping here anyway?' is what I want to ask but dares not to do so. Is it because he also wants to guard me from Faram or is it just to check if I already remember him? One way or the other it would be too awkward to ask. Even if they tell me countless times that I know him for few years now, I can't help but to still feel a bit weary and shy around him. Somehow, there's something that bothers me whenever I try to get to know him. Like a nagging feeling inside me to keep away.

Quite similar to our instinct that alerts us from something that says 'Caution! Hot surface.' And you'd either try to deliberately stay away or be curious enough to check if it really is.

Err... It's not like I'm saying he's hot.


And I'm not saying he isn't...

He... he just have a perfect toned and well chiseled body. He's fine. He's fine.

His sneers are attractive too...

But he usually does that if he's looking down at you or he's up to something...



What the heck am I arguing myself for?

I'm getting sidetracked from my train of thoughts!

I watch him get up and stretch, with both his hands high above his head. He glanced at me one more time and then, just like the usual, he walked towards one of my windows and opened it. I can feel the chilly winds creeping in, displacing the warmth inside the room. That's when I perceived and realized how summer will be over soon and winter is fast approaching once again... time is running so fast.

I watched Eriol climb the window sill then takes off, leaving me alone in my room.

Almost at the exact same time, Darion knocks. The timing is perfect too.

What a predicament Faram left me with...

I shouldn't have anymore time brooding about these, few years from now the ceremonial summoning will take place. I need to talk to Princess Isera soon. She's the only lead I got right now.

But if she refuses to tell me what she saw and why she cried, what should I do then?

I sighed,

as Darion finally came in and proceeded to help me with my usual morning rituals.

The books that talks about the prophecy are rather confusing. They all seem one sided and written in a way that anyone would buy into them. Saying it's just because of jealousy or envy and hatred?... something is missing. I blacked out at times so it's hard to say if any of those kind of feelings would be needed as a trigger when in the first place, I feel like something inside me is already trying to control me instead.

Aeron never told me what happened back then in the dungeons. Yet he keeps returning to that place without taking me along with him lately.

He used to be so troubled if I'm left alone but now he even sneaks around just to go and leave. He even takes Lord Eriol with him instead.

He seems to have secrets of his own now too...


'Focus, Aerra!' I told myself as I walked the corridor as I was summoned to the gardens by Papa that particular morning.

'Back to square one. What is the only thing I have now that can help me?'


The only book I have that seem interesting to read is the one Syreon gave me. It's only about the Noble bloods and Ancients but it contain difficult texts written in characters I am not familiar with. Maybe someday I would be able to read them. The writing system in this land consists of four different sets of alphabets, so far only three has been thought to me.. My parents are too busy to disturb about it. Meanwhile, when I asked about it to our governess she said the last remaining set of alphabet will be taught at the Academy where I would be attending when I'm old enough.

Quite frankly, I haven't fully mastered reading nor writing the third set of alphabet yet...

Well at least I have something to do while waiting till I turn 15 and enter that mandatory Academy we nobles have to attend to.

That or— find the Sage.

I was eight when I regained all my previous life's memories and realized all these enigmatic prophecy about the centennial or ceremonial rituals whatever they call it. It's clear I'm going to become the Fallen one though I still don't know why me and how. But aside from the beckoning dreams, black outs, and visions I'm having, it's not clear to me if something inside me will be awaken or if I will just transform as an evil person someday because of a certain situation. It has been four years ever since and up to now, I haven't progressed at all, have I?

It seems to me that traveling is the remaining option I have. To look for answers outside this sheltered life I have.

I need to re-evaluate everything after this. But first, I wonder why Papa called me out so early?


Soldiers escort me anywhere I go in the castle. Four are in red and black uniform, Osteell Empire's own. And another four in blue and white uniforms, ones that came from Grantzæl. All equally distributed. I already reiterated that I don't need bodyguards following me everywhere but they insisted and kept saying that they're just following orders.

This is too bothersome actually.

When I reach the gardens, I saw Papa and Aeron under the shade of the gazebo. Joining them is Lady Mirel and her men. I first met Lady Mirel when we just returned to Grantzæl after the Ouboros incident. She was my personal bodyguard then. She's one of the Commanders of Grantzæl's brigades and a Marquis's only daughter from the Eastern Nation.

I hugged her the moment I reached them. She beamed at me and returned my embrace. ”Long time no see, Lady Aerra!” She goes down on her one knee to level her eyes with mine. ”It's so nice to see you again!” I said.

”You're quite tall for your age.” She pats my head. ”Are you sure you're just twelve?”

I giggled at her remark and we hugged once again.

”What brings you here today, Lady Mirel? Please don't tell me uncle sent you to look after me too? I don't need so many bodyguards!” I murmured. ”I already have eight on my tail and over a hundred around the wing of my bedroom.”