38 Chapter 11: Banque (1/2)
((A/N: This resumes with Aerra's POV))
In my mind's eye, everything is flooding back.
I can see the chains they created to bind me.
They carefully locked the cuffs by my ankle and made damn sure I can never unleash hell back to them.
They are scared of me.
Scared I would hunt them all like the insects they are.
And they left me there to die, left all alone in a deep dark hole under the waters while they revel with the glory of their King that saved them.
But I never died.
I refuse to die.
I'll turn the tide one day.
But there are days when I prayed and hope for these horrors to end. No gods —nor goddesses listened.
But something else heard me.
Water poured and began to fill my lungs. The suffocating feeling filled me. Drowning in a cold and icy grave inside my own body, a cage I cannot yet escape. I clawed at my neck and reached out up above. I can only watch the last bubbles of air exhaust out of me as I screamed.
”I'm here... it's alright. It's alright. Slowly now, breath. You can do it. You can breath, see?”
I gasped and the sensation of air filling both lobes of my lungs awakened me back to reality.
I wearingly opened my eyes to the familiar view of a blue canopy that welcomed my sight.
I tried to focus at the flickering light emanating from the lamp beside me, gleaming in a hazy soft light as I try to clear the nerves that clouded my thoughts.
I took another deep breath and it felt like it's my first time to breath again. I swallowed a lump in my throat. My mouth feels dry.
And then a face of a guy slides to my field of vision. I focused my gaze at him. ”Eriol?” I mumbled. Even talking proved challenging.
”Yeah, it's me. You're fine. I'm here now. You're safe. Just breath.”
My senses began to sink back in. The warm touch of his gentle hand that caresses my head. The comfortingly soft duvet of my bed. The lulling silence in the room. And the careful sounds of my breathing.
I began to relax. ”Why are you here?”
But I swallowed my own question back to my throat as I realized I was back inside my bedroom.
Odd, wasn't I trapped with Aeron inside a... what was that place again?
—a dungeon.
I tried to recall the events before I blacked out.
I remember being with Aeron. I remember him trip and stumbled down to the ground and we noticed huge and thick chains at the floor.
I tried to touch it but then it went flaring hot, it scalded the tips of my fingers and then I...
I believe, I passed out after that.
”Eriol?” I turned to him as he kept patting my head. I found my hand locked fingers with his free hand. He gently squeezes when I look up at him. A source of security.
”Are you okay now? You we're having a nightmare.”
”Ah. Oh...” That makes sense.
It felt so real.
”But its over now.”
Somehow, his words feels comforting. I can feel his warmth around me while he lie on his one side, with an elbow that carries his weight as I curled by his chest. My cheeks began to feel hot. I want to push him away all out from embarrassment but the sound of his beating heart next to my ear felt rather calming.
”I'm... okay now” I mumbled but somehow, the dream left me feeling rather raw. My limbs limp.
I watch his hands release my own. ”Good.” He moves and goes to sit by the edge of my bed. ”I just... suddenly sensed you were in distress so I came barging in through the windows, I hope you don't mind.” He grins, pointing at the broken iron frame and scattered pieces of shattered glass on the floor, leaving a gaping hole on the wall where a window should have been. Curtains ripped out in shreds. Rather than call it barging in, it seems like he stormed like a bomb at my window to get in.
”Stay here, I'll fetch you a drink”
”It's alright” I murmured, carrying myself to sit upright. I don't want to bother him more than I should. ”No, need!”
”Well then, I better go before Darion sees me in here. I'm sick of that old man's preaching about visiting in a Lady's room.”
”Are you sure you're okay?” He insisted for the last time.
I nodded, beaming at him. ”Yup!”
”Okay” He stood up and flashed a satisfied smile. ”See you around!”
”Eri, wait!”
Eriol pauses midway to turn his head over his shoulder. His eyes watching me. That half smile still plastered on his face.
”Thank you” I fidgeted my fingers together.
For a moment he parted his lips open. Hesitated. Closed them back. His smile never left his lips, masking the split second he wanted to say something. But I notice it. A shift of mood around him seems off. His smile never reaches his eyes this time.
”What's wrong?”
”It's nothing.” He says in a grin.
This guy seems like he hoarded all the laughs inside of his head just to keep smiling no matter what.
Like a madness he buried under his skin for so many years just to be able to look happy or satisfied all the time.
It makes me wonder what can make him cry.
Or what other horrors have he seen that he hides it all behind that crooked facade.
I know this sounds weird...
But I sudden feel like I want to break him.
...and see the real emotions he's hiding behind those sneers and mischievous grins.
I want him to be honest.
Suddenly, wind bursted asunder from all directions that got me shutting my eyes close.
When I opened them back, Eriol's gone.
I just took another breath and crawled to the edge of my bed. I tried to level my head. The effect of the dream is still surfacing. Although I want to try to recall that nightmare and comprehend what it was about, the raw nerves that keeps me dazed stopped me. I guess I will have to try some other time.
I wonder how did I end up in here though.
How did we got back?
I rubbed at my eyes.
And how long have I been out?
Hold on—
Is Aeron safe?!
I bolted up to the door and opened it.
To my surprise, Aeron has been standing in front of it. He looked at me surprise; it seems to me he was just about to knock.
”You're awake! Just in time too!”
I studied him from head to toe. He was really dressed to kill. His hair has been carefully brushed all the way to the back of his head but few stubborn curls has escaped and dangles freely before his eyes. That gave him a rather rugged charming look. He wears a white suit with one blue draped cloth across with few insignia pinned by his chest that bears the emblem of our Dukedom and his status as the heir. A pair of simple epaulettes are worn by as well that I recognize as a ceremonial garment for royalties and events like these.
”Wow. You look... really good, brother!” I uttered, and I really damn mean it.
His curly white hair and blue eyes has never been so tantalizing. More dashing than I ever seen him with.
Hard to believe he was that adorable short-tempered brother I grew up with.
He really aged up.
I sighed at my own pensive thoughts.
I watch his cheek turn mildly red at my remark. ”Well—! Ahem. You need to prepare. The guests have already arrived.”
Oh right, I almost forgot about the birthday banquet. But more importantly, this will be the party where we'll both be introduced to the society for the first time. And especially —it's the party where Aeron will walk out as the young Lord of Greenrun, rightful heir to the Dukedom.
And few noble Houses from the Seven Kingdoms will arrive because of our family's affiliation to the High Throne, regardless of this land's independency.
Aeron hauls a sigh, ”This will be our first big social event. I hope I don't mess it up.”
I shook my head, ”You'll do good. You have been handling conversations with other people very well lately! You're amazing with all our morning lectures and you've been doing great with all the kinds of trainings both physical and with your magic as well so I'm sure these will be a cinch to you!” I stepped forward and poked at some of his insignias. ”Besides, you have friends to rely on. There's Levi and Eriol when you need help later!”
He took a deep breath and manage to smile sheepishly, ”You forgetting the most important thing”
”I have?” I tapped at my chin. ”Mama and Papa are also there to support you—?”
He scrunched his brows, ”No, dimwit. Forget it!” He fumed, rubbing at his nape and looked away, ”You're going to watch too, right?”
”Of course!”
I wonder what he's talking about though. Watch what exactly?
He sweeps his eyes at me, ”Good. That's all I needed to hear...”
And then there was silence.
I guess that's all.
I tilted to my side, ”Well I better go and prepare.” I said as he nods, reluctantly. I made a full turn to walk back in. But I felt a hand tagging at my wrist, keeping me in place.
I glared at Aeron, ”What now? I need to get changed for the party”
”Just give me a sec!” he grumbles.
I sighed and turned to face him again. He never released my wrist, he just looked down but I can see how beet red his face is. ”It's our birthday...” he began. I waited for him to finish. ”Well... my gift” he murmured, almost eating his words.
”Oh! I get it. You have a gift for me?”
He shook his head vigorously, ”No, you're gift for me!”
I blinked my eyes. I never really prepared any. I wonder if he'll be upset if I said I got none. ”I haven't prepared any because we went out today. Can you wait a little longer?” I did my best grin. ”How about tomorrow?”
”I'll be taking it now” he demands, avoiding his eyes away from me.
”But I don't—!”
With one pull at my wrist, I stumbled straight to his arms. He wraps a hand around my waist. Another hand behind my head. Tightly yet carefully embracing me as if he's going to lose me.
Now I really wonder what happened back there in the dungeon after I blacked out.
Hm. But when was the last time I actually hugged him?
When we were small.
He told me not to show my tears to anyone and I grabbed him because he was being so adorable. That was a surprise on his part.
And now, this one's on mine.
I guess we're even.
I wrapped my arms around him as well. His embrace tightens for a moment and then he lets me go.
As he pulls away, he rigidly straightened his back. ”That's all. See you at the waiting room, sis!” He pats my shoulder. ”Happy birthday to us!” And then he marches away like a robot.
I chuckled at the sight of him leave. I suppose with all the changes, no matter how old we are now nor how much he improved and matured, deep inside, he's still the Aeron I know.