26 Chapter 9: Partings and Meister 5 (1/2)

Soon, we reached a door that was said where my uncle awaits. I turned to Lady Mirel as she stationed herself just beside the door even before a royal guard opened the door for me. ”Can I ask you another favor, Lady Mirel?” I asked as she quickly responded to me. ”Can you go to Aeron and tell him everything we found out about our friend, Stray? And then lead him back here. Tell him I will have Stray returned to us so I need a back up...”

Lady Mirel gave a quick salute and then took off.

The door was then opened before me as I turned to face it.

A warm looking room welcomed my sight. The walls are made with wooden panels with intricate carved designs. The floor is marble white but in a corner, a huge red rug rolls over and on top of it is a small coffee table where my uncle, my aunt and my mother gathered, drinking tea.

”Ah, finally!” says my uncle as he gestured at me to come closer.

I looked around the room and noticed a huge arched open door that led to a vast terrace. One can immediately see the view of valleys and mountains from it. Amidst the cold breeze blowing wildly from it, the area where my family sat was rather warm, as balls of golden orbs hovers around them, emanating the heat that contrasted the cold climate drawn in the room by the winter winds.

”Good morning uncle.” I greeted as I walk pass the open arched door, the wind blasting its noise at my ears. I fail to hear what he replied back. As I went greeting my mother and aunt as well.

I just tucked my hair behind my ears, fixing my messy hair the draft made.

”Come, join us!” aunt Lenna gestured at an empty seat as a young boy standing by idly, pulled a chair for me.

”I heard you did not eat breakfast.” my uncle began.

”I was not hungry...” I retorted, eyeing him.

”Is it because of your friends left? I understand why you'll be sad because of that.”

I did not replied.

Mama reaches out a hand at me and finger-combed my hair. I turned to her as she just smiled at me warmly.

”I heard one of your friend left on short notice. According to my sources, he was your weapon? I didn't even knew you became a Meister! At such young age...” my uncle says as I glanced at him. ”Well, I believe that's an achievement. Connecting to another soul takes years of training. But I expect no less from my own bloodkin. You are a pure blood after all.”

He then turned to the same young boy to step forward. ”That's why I decided to bring him to you.”

I refuse to even look at the boy.

Uncle continued, ”He's the same age as your former weapon. His name is Vince. He is top of his class among all the Transmuter soldiers we are training. From now on, he will become your weapon so you can forget about your former.”

My brows furrows instantly hearing him. ”Meisters and their weapon is about trust. It's not suppose to be mere designating who will become the weapon of who, isn't it?”

My uncle laughed. ”Oh child. Is that what he said? The boy—”

”His name is Stray.”

”Yes. Stray— well he's wrong. Meistership can be built by just practicing, like how my soldiers are trained. The military academy randomly join a meister and a weapon, Aerra. And with proper training they can become partners like any ordinary weapon. There is nothing special in it.” He stood up and ushered me to stand up as well. ”I want you to understand that there's no mystical connection in that sort of thing like how Stray might have portrait it as. You're a bright young girl, don't stoop down to a reasoning of a child your age. I know you can understand what I'm saying. Yes?”

He made me walk towards the middle of the room as he walks a little away. ”Vince is a genius as well. He can connect to any meister he wishes. Go ahead, summon him.”

I stood still for a moment.

But just gave in and reached my hand forth. The boy named Vince instantly disappears and a light flashes through my hand. I held my grip on it and a sword emerges from the light.

”There you go. From now on, Vince can become your weapon. So please, cheer up, okay?” My uncle walks up to me and pats my head. I stared at the sword on my hand. It was actually kind of heavy as time passes.

”Thank you uncle but I rather not.” I replied as I released the sword and it automatically retuned to his human form.

”I don't care about being a Meister. I don't care about having a weapon. I don't see Stray as an object to be used. He's my friend. He's our friend! He protected Aeron and I without any other reasons. He's been good to us all through out our time in the deserts. So whatever his background is... whatever he did before in his life— I don't mind at all. Aeron feels the same way too!” I look up at uncle and stared at his eyes, ”So why did you made him leave us and ordered him to never return?”

My uncle looked at me in surprise for a moment.

He then sighs and shook his head. ”In the end, you're still an innocent child.”

”Enlighten me then, uncle.” I say in almost a challenge. ”Tell me why it's not possible.”

He walks to the arch door and towards the open terrace. ”Come with me” he hollered as he led me to look at the scenery before us.

Valleys stretched wide over the horizon, in some corners, mountains looms as a shadow from the fogs. The pale sky was grey and white with only the lining of a sun on top of us, covered by the thickness of the clouds. I looked down and realized this terrace is a like a cliff. We are about thousands of meters above the ground. Anyone who jumps here will surely meet in a tragic and foreseeable end.

The winter wind blew out mercilessly as it passes, howling in its eerie cries. ”Everything you see, and even far beyond from what we can peer through now...” He says, pointing finger from far north to south, ”...everything around us now is a land where I reign in, Aerrandria. And keeping appearances is never easy when almost everyone around you are watching, since most of them are hoping you to fall. That's why sometimes, I consider everyone as a threat, an enemy, so that I'll never be stabbed blindly...

It's one if the perks of reigning over seven kingdoms!” he says sarcastically, ”And even if you aren't directly running to ascend to the crown, you still are a family to me. And my family is the weakness I honestly admit to”

He gently lays a hand on my head and pats me, ”You might not fully understand yet but your standing is very critical. It's not also just about keeping appearances. We are the only Arcanian descent in the entire world, Aerra. Across the lands and seas, there are plenty others of pure bloods from different ancestral blood but in our kind, we are the sole family remaining with white hair and blue eyes.”

I gazed up at uncle as he went on, ”There's already been one ancient blood that went extinct few years ago: The Sol. And soon the Arcania will be too if we don't take precautions.”

”And as the remaining female Arcanian blood of your generation, many feudal lords will surely target you to get to the crown.”

”Stray is not like that!!!” I retorted abruptly.

”He may not... yet. But from how he was raised alone draws too much questions. Do you even know that he was being raised to become the next leader of the Ouboros through their strongest elite mercenary?”


”According to my sources, the elite mercenaries were secretly planning against their leader for quite some time now. They envision their organization into becoming a more powerful kind by having a pure blood to rule over them. But the current leader was more focused in lousy slave trading than training powerful soldiers under them. And so, their strongest member bought Stray into the group and even took him around as they traveled, Ordering him to kill and training him to become ruthless and formidable. With a position like that, do you think he didn't know that the two of you were to arrive? I'm sure he knew.”

I looked back at the view and stared blankly ahead.


Are these true?

If so—

Then Master Faram.... used me.

”It's not about taking sides. It's about deciding which will yield a more interesting result.”

When he gave me a way to escape...

He might have predicted we can eventually kill Cerguz.

It would have been easier for them to get rid of their leader that way...

Whereas I...

”But I will still come back to get you when the time is right. You cannot truly escape me anyway, my apprentice.”

Master Faram is the second strongest elite mercenary in Ouboros. He might have been planning to elect me as a leader after he trains me, to go against the number one elite mercenary in the group—

which is...

Stray's own Master.


that's why Master Faram is very eager to get me back someday.

In that case, Stray is going to be sought after too... by his own Master.

Both of us.

Perhaps even Aeron as well.

”Ouboros is not just a lowly syndicate, Aerra. They are connected with other underground organizations that roams this realm in darkness. I won't be surprised if Ouboros is once again formed but only this time, composing only by the eight mercenaries it has and their apprentices. That means, taking your friend within this household is indirectly inviting those dangerous people to seek Stray out and expose your own family to such dangers. It's only a matter of time when those mercenaries will surface once again—

Who knows what they are scheming right now as we speak. And as the High King of the seven Kingdoms, I need to protect these lands, protect my people, and especially protect our own family.”

I felt a cold shiver down my spine, and it wasn't because of the cold wind gusting by.

How can I tell uncle I'm actually one of those apprentice he speak of?

Even if I don't have Stray returned, Ouboros will eventually rise again and seek me out instead.


Not just because of Master Faram...

But because I'm the fated Fallen One.

I suppose... I'm bound to become one of them.

”Uncle... Stray saved my life for countless times already...” I murmured as he cuts me off even before I could finish, ”And I'm grateful so I assured he was very well compensated for that.”

”That's not what I mean!” I said, voice rising.

”Whatever he is or he was, he saved me and the other kids out from the Ouboros because he wanted our safety to be assured. I never felt malice or hidden intentions from his ways. He's our friends and I don't care about his background! I want you to take him back to us!”

”Are you not listening?! Or have I overestimated your comprehension?” Uncle's voice turned a volume.

Mama, aunt Lenna and even the boy named Vince began to walk out to where we are.

”I understand what you are implying, uncle. But I don't think sending him away by force will make any difference!”

That's because I'm a target of Ouboros as much as he is, I thought.

”He's our friend and our ally. I trust in him. He will never turn away from us even if Ouboros do return! And as what he always did, he will keep protecting me and Aeron because that's just the way he is!”

Now it makes sense why Stray asked me that question.

”Are you not disgusted?”

Because from everything that happened in his young life, he began to regard someone like me with no blood on my hands, as pure and naive. While he see himself as dirty and stained beyond help.

I told him I wouldn't care whatever he is or was. That's what I told him. And I'm sure Aeron feels the same.

”Even if you do send him away, being expose to the Ouboros' mercenaries are enough to have me and even Aeron as targets because they also trained us. Do you understand now? It won't make any difference!” I insisted

”And I suppose, if I have him returned will make a better result instead?”

”Result? Uncle, there is never an assurance about anything at all! There can always be something that may happen one day that no amount of preparation would be enough to prepare us for it.”

Just like what Nora told me.

”We just need more allies to help us instead. And Stray proved himself when one of those moments in my life happened.”

Uncle heaves a sigh. ”You're still a child. I am wrong for thinking you would understand.”

I bit my lips in frustration.

I glance at Mama as she just looked at me worriedly. Vince on the other hand just watched in silence.

”I may be. But you don't understand anything about Meistership as well.” I murmured.

Uncle glared at me.

”Designating weapons to their Meister? Practicing? Uncle— we never did any of that. In fact, Stray was never around when I summoned him. We were miles apart when we established our Meistership all because of trust! He came when I summoned him and I trusted he would and he did!”

”Enough, Aerrandria. What your saying is impossible to begin with. I won't hear any more of these. Vince will become your weapon from now on. And that's final. That friend of yours has already crossed the borders by now. He won't hear you even if you try to summon him no matter how much amount of trust you put in him.”

I gritted my teeth.

”I trust him” I repeated, my heart racing inside me. I feel so upset at uncle. I want to prove him wrong.

”I trust him and I know he will come. Even if I don't have to summon him. He will return!” I blurted out, clenching fists on my side until it goes numb.

”Then go ahead and try.” says uncle, staring at me coldly.

I nodded at him. ”Oh, I will.”

I climbed the baluster railings of the terrace and jumped towards the open cliff in a free fall.

I saw their faces turned into horror as my body went down.