21 Chapter 8: The Return 3 (1/2)

I woke up the next day with all the children excitedly gazing at the floating city as we all stood outside the main deck while our airship gets closer to Grantzæl.

There were other airships flying by and I can see so many activities buzzing about. It is early in the morning but the sun wasn't particularly celebrating with us. It hid shyly behind the clouds beyond the horizon as fog faintly covered the view.

Warm ball of lights hovering around the perimeter lit our way and also created a warm looking scenery along with the lights opened below the city streets and houses.

It has almost been a month ever since I last saw my parents and I'm so ecstatic now to see them again. I'm sure the High King will assure all the other kids will be reunited with their own families and after letting everything simmer down, I need to personally travel away once again to deliver the final favour Nora asked of me.

I opened my hands where two brooches are seen. I need to personally give it to Nora's parents. I closed my eyes and recalled her and her sister's entire name. Noriin and Paulin Dyllan of Ialnis.

The memory of her hugging me as she commended how I suit my name flashes on my memory. How she latched onto me and called me 'My adorable Aerrandria!'

I just sighed and hid the brooches back to my pocket.

”Excited?” I looked up at who said it and saw Stray who stood behind me.

”Very much!” I replied in a grin.

He just pats my head and went to where most of the children were. I watch him as he picks up the three year old and points out to some of the structures that was getting closer.


How about Stray? I wonder.

I just realize, I never really learned anything about him, what House he is from and from where he is. All I know is his real name, Eriol.

But he will have to be sent back to his own family.


Of course, he has to.

Doesn't matter if I'm his Meister, he eventually needs to get back home too.

I held on to my chest and felt a little pang of sting in it.

Ah. I must be tired from overthinking things.

I shook the thoughts off and walk to where Aeron stood. When he saw me coming, he ran towards me. ”I can't wait to see Papa and Mama again! Look, my hands are literally shaking” he says in a laugh as he shows me his trembling hands.

Actually, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have gotten involved, I thought as I took his hands.

I notice the callus that had grown on his palms and the pad of his fingers.

He immediately pulled his hands away and rubs his nape. ”Anyway, let's join the others. We're about to arrive any minute now.”

”Aeron, I might need to travel to deliver Nora's brooches to her own family after some time. Want to come along?”

”Of course! And we can take Stray and Levi along!”

”But Aeron... Stray will be reunited with his own family, I don't think he could join us anymore.”

”Oh...” Aeron turns his head to where Stray was. ”I never thought about that...”

Soon one of the crew announced our arrival and even before the bridge was pulled down from the airships, I can already see the familiar white haired man and woman in a distance, clad in the familiar yet thick white cloak in hoods with blue collar linings.

Her soft face, looking anxious, turns in disbelief as the bridge finally lands down the deck. She reaches her hands to her face, covering her lips as her eyes wells up with tears. The man beside her, no less, had the same melancholic facial reaction.


Both Aeron and myself sprinted towards them as they ran and met us halfway.

Papa and Mama both fell to their knees and hugged us both tightly.

I didn't knew how long we stood there embracing but it was sufficing.

Mama cried and cried as expected but it was out of happiness. Papa did better in holding back the tears, not all though because he had to wipe the ones that had escaped from his eyes.

Dozen of royal guards assisted us all back into the Grand Castle where my uncle welcomed us by the anteroom in anticipation. Joining him, was the High Queen and their two sons.

The introductions were brief and fast, my mind was drowning from all the faces and voices talking all at once as we were ushered from one place to another.

I didn't had the chance to properly greet them all as I was sent to a separate room to be bathed and prepared.

They made me wore an extravagant dress this time with many layers of garments on top of another with a white cloak with fur on it's collar lining and hood.

I pulled at my dress and sleeves to fix them in place as I shifted my neck uncomfortably with the furs. I could barely move in this!

What's with all these clothes?

It's annoying, I thought.

”Come in!” I yelled out.

The door opens. ”How did you knew I was here?” Levi spoke as he steps in and closed the door behind him. ”I was just about to knock.”

Apparently, that became a line.

”I just knew.” I replied. ”Anyway good day, lord Levi” I beamed at him as he smiled at me and greeted me back.

He stood in front of me and helped me adjust the cloak and furry collar.

”Why do they have to make me wear these?” I blurted out.