8 Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament 3 ? (1/2)

Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament


My father stood up and clapped his hand profoundly as if he's been yearning for something like this to happen. I wanted to hide between my shoulders but it was impossible. Hansem stood up, went behind us and patted us both on the back,

”To the future Castellan and his wife!” He sang, as everybody cheered along.

This is not the reaction I've been expecting.

What the heck's happening.

I side glanced Levi and I can see him looking a bit surprised with the sudden change in the atmosphere too.

”Is this true?” The old state lord asks merrily.

”Ehh..!?” I gasped. What the heck. Don't ask me!

I glanced at Papa as he was storming for a paper and a pen by the table. I guess he seems okay with this too. Anyway I don't want to make a commotion now by denying it.

”Yes, House Leingod stands beside this young Lord and to the future claims he may hold.” I declared.

Everybody cheered louder.


Levi's hand drops from my arm and gently scoops my other hand with his.

Slowly he wraps his fingers around mine and all my senses became laser focused on my hand even as my eyes wonder straight ahead. I feel like my body froze in place.

My heart started beating fast against my chest. My ears seemed to selectively blocked all the noise and all I can sense is Levi and his hand.

I looked up at him as he side glanced me and smiled with such alluring eyes. Damn those eyelashes though, I still wish I had those...

Huh? He is mouthing something. What is he saying???

I'm staring at his lips too much that I had look away.

Suddenly, lord Hansem ushered Levi to meet the State Lords formally and guided him towards the their direction. Levi's hands squeezes mind, he looks at me as if asking if I would like to come but I cannot and I honestly have no place to do so...

So he eventually had to let go.

My view from him was covered by the backs of the Lords. I rub my hand that left his.

What an electrifying experience.

So... this mean I formally assented that he's the one I will be marrying someday, huh?

I looked at Syreon as he smiled at me teasingly.

Wait did he see that just now? —the hand touching and...

Ugh, how embarrassing....

And last night I told him that I won't agree in the engagement with his brother too, yet hear I am, such a shameful display. I decided to march towards where my father was instead.

The banquet hall was soon filled with lots of tables and food. Servants came marching in as if they'd been standing behind the doors ever since. Countless cutleries and entree's were brought in and other dishes in huge gold cover.

People begun to sit down to the provided chairs set with the tables and the feast went on as if nothing conflicting happened awhile ago.

I never had the chance to talk to Levi again as the crowd gathered around him. They seem like they're all welcoming him warmly now. At least with that I'm relieved. I just didn't expect that it would end like this. Somehow I feel like I'm failing miserably in my conquest to never get involved with anyone. *sighs*

I called Papa's attention as he was busy writing on a piece of paper. ”Papa, won't you join the feast?” I asked as I looked at what he was writing about.

”I need to tell your mother and Aeron this amazing thing you just did, right away!” He says with so much fire burning in his eyes, ”—they will be so proud of you!” He concluded.

Like you I bet, I thought to myself. So I decided to walk away. Well at least he's happy with this outcome.

I'm not good at handling crowds personally. So I made my way to the exit.


Oops, I bumped into someone.

I looked up and apologized immediately. ”I'm sorry, Sir.” I say as I realized the man is wearing a cloak and a hood.

He has an tattoo underneath his left eye. Dark skin and dark rimmed eyes as if he wore an eyeliner.

He looked down at me with such leering glare.


Is he a guest as well? Looks suspicious though.

He gave me a smile that creeped me out, ”What beautiful hair and eyes you have my little Lady” he uttered as his bony hands reaches towards me. Instead of replying, alarm bells are going off in my head so I strode away quickly and hoped he didn't follow just like how his eyes did on me. Geez, what really weird guests they have in here.

I manage to reach one of the buffet tables instead and glistening desserts and mouth-watering ganache were presented in front of me. My stomach yelps so I had to grab my own plate. I ate to my heart content while trying to hide under the table covers. I don't want to talk to anybody now. I just want my own personal space. No, honestly I just don't want anybody seeing me madly devour these sweets.

Yummm. This is heaven right here.

When I was full I crawled out of the table; stepped outside the banquet hall and walked towards my bedroom.

There I jumped myself into bed and rested my eyes close.

Ugh, I'm so full.

I'm never eating such foods ever again...not!

Ahh, my eyelids are getting heavier. I think I will just take a quick rest and then return to... the...


I opened my eyes and saw nothing but the pitch black surrounding that stretches horizon to horizon.

Huh? Where am I?

Are my eyes closed?

I tried to feel my face and realized I can see my hands and my body too. My eyes are wide open but why is everything else black?

I looked around and found a solitary mirror few feet away from me.

It had red frames and it stood about six or seven feet tall from the ground almost like a door.

I walked towards it but saw no reflection of myself. Slowly I felt this odd feeling as if it's luring me in.

I stared at the mirror and laid my palm flat against it. The glass was icy cold.

I stared at my hand and when I turned to look at the mirror again I saw—



I dozed off.

I looked at the window and sighed in relief that it was still day light.

Hmm. I had a dream just now

What was it about again?

I sat up and stretched my limbs and yawned as I passively looked around my bedroom.


My father never came to find me so I assume our departure will be tomorrow. *sigh* I honestly want to go home now and rest.

I don't think Aeron is happy about this though.

Why do I feel like he's on tantrum right now?

I walk outside to the air corridors and found myself wondering around the modernized halls of the castle. They're definitely different from Greenrun.

I wonder if they invented the cellphone yet?

I went opening one door to another, intentionally letting myself get lost

I went opening one door to another, intentionally letting myself get lost. Until I found a small library, lucky! It had no windows inside as all the walls were covered with book shelves, stretching up to two stories high. But there's an open chandelier in the middle of the room and few sconces that provided enough lighting to every corners.

The ambiance was oddly relaxing.

I went ahead and browsed their shelves but never found a single interesting book as most books was about military stuff and machinery

I went ahead and browsed their shelves but never found a single interesting book as most books was about military stuff and machinery. I sighed in disappointment. I was honestly hoping I'd find something that can give me more information about the prophecy and— huh?

I found a book about Noble Bloods and the Ancients.

I took it off the shelves and began scanning through the pages.

The Ancient tribes who lived with the gods and goddess: Ergus, Arcania, Sol, Dias, Zl'iir, and Nilfeim.

There were also difficult texts written in characters I was not familiar with. Maybe someday I would be able to read them. The alphabet in this land consists of four different set, so far only one was thought to me.

I suppose if I really want to find a way out of this fate, I need to know how it all started in the first place. About why the nobles are the only ones who can wield a power and commoners can't. Is there any connection to it as to why they have a tradition in summoning a celestial priestess?

Now that I think about it. The only reason I'm going to become the Fallen One someday is because the septal church will summon strong light magic in this realm— and the dark magic follows as a concomitant.

And then that dark magic will leech into me because of ...uhh I just fit the criteria mentioned in all the texts, I guess? Like having two memories and my bloodline... and the possibility that I will be uhh.... evil? I obsessed over this topic and researched about it for a good half month and yet I feel like I still have no viable knowledge as to why and what I'm going to face.

What I do know is that it mentioned the Fallen One as having a strong magic that's why the darkness was attracted to her corrupted heart.

Strong magic huh?—

What is it about this hair and eyes anyway?

The ancient tribe? I wonder.

I fit all the requirements of the Fallen One, fine.

It's not as if I can undo everything from how I regained my memories from my previous life up until I was born into a noble House but I won't easily concur with just knowing I will become the Fallen One.

I must also understand why I have to become one.

I will gladly wield dark arts as long as I don't have to get killed by the Heroine.

I mean, not all dark magic is bad— right?



So many questions kept eating me. I realized how much more I need to learn about this world wholly and their ways before I can finally make my game plan final. For now I will stick with what I can do at this point and that is not to get attached to any guys because at least with that 'envy, jealousy and hate' is preventable. I can lessen the reason for me someday in acquiring a corrupted heart. Jealousy is an ugly bitch. I rather not fall in love anyway.

I managed not to before in my previous life, I'm sure I can manage it again! How hard can it be?

The image of Levi flashed in my mind for an instant. What was that just now?! Huh?

No. I was only overwhelmed with his decisions awhile ago and... I'm really 18 inside this body. That kid just turned 12 for pete's sake. It's statutory **** to even get involved! Aerra, that's illegal!!! Illegal!!!!

The image of Aeron flashed in my mind and his crying face. His voice of comfort. His laugh.

Ooooookay— woah. Stop.

I'm not even into the incest department!

What the heck is wrong with me. I need to shake this off and get out of this room. It's too relaxing in here my mind is drifting to— whatever. I need to refocus or else, at this rate, I my mind would play in a production starting Syreon next.

I pushed myself up and stood to my feet.

I want to read this book someday.

I wonder if they would let me borrow it?

I stood up and looked around. There was still not a soul in sight. Darn it.

I guess I need to find Hansem and ask him myself.

Or I can ask Papa to get me a book like this— honestly speaking that sounded spoiled though.

I'll try asking Hansem first.

As I stepped outside the library I never realized how much I lost tract of time.

Darn it! It's dusk already.

I should've checked a clock.

...Where are the clocks?

I directed my tracks to the air corridors to reorientation myself as to where I am at least

I directed my tracks to the air corridors to reorientation myself as to where I am at least.

To my surprise I found myself on an open terrace that leds to a beautiful and vast garden. It leads to a wide spiral staircase on both sides, which descends to the gardens grounds.

There are no soldiers here too

There are no soldiers here too. Where is everybody?

Don't tell me the party is on-going up to now!? *sigh*

I was about to go back in when suddenly a shadow— this thing suddenly came up to me.

I cowered immediately out of reflex and whatever it was, it took the book right off my hands!

It purred and made a soft noise as if talking to me as it landed on the ground, keeping a safe distance away from me.

I looked at it and saw a critter that resembles a red panda like face in a body of a fluffy cat and 3 bushy tails. I have no idea how to explain what it was. But it wore a collar. It's blonde and has dark blue eyes. It's so cute though.

”Come here little fella” I leaned down and reached a hand to it.

It held the book by its mouth, between its drooling teeth.

”Give me that book back. Come on”

It slowly leaned towards me for a moment and then went dashing off further to the gardens

”Son of a bi—! Give that back!!! You're staining the covers with your saliva!!!”

I made a mad run following the critter as it went off to a corner of a bush fence. It looked at me before dashing off again.

My eyes were so focused on it, so much so that I won't lose sight of it, that I fail to notice where I actually was.

As we finally reach a dead end, it finally understood that he was cornered.

”Just give that gaddamn book back and I will walk out of your life forever, little guy” I was huffing and puffing. I never ran like this before, at least not in this lifetime. My body felt so exhausted it amazes me how low my stamina is compared to what I had before.

Eventually, as I marched closer, the critter just tilted his head in wonder. ”Come heeere” I murmured under my breath. I then charged forward but it springs up, bounces to the left wall and into the right, I try to reach him in midair but he barrelled roll on top and pass me and then landed gracefully behind me.

”What the— Ugh!!! Just give me the book back you parkour-ing mammal!?”

I charged towards it one more time, leaping to it but it managed to dodge leaving me in the damp grass, face flat.

I'm losing my patience here.

Once again it purred and made squeaky noises. I turned to it as it finally released the book from it's mouth. I smiled, ahh finally!!! I thought. Thank y...

But it suddenly picked up my other shoe which was off from my feet because of the fray and then it went dashing off. ”WAIIIIIIT!?!”

I scrambled off to my feet and tried to run after it but I ended up stumbling to the ground instantly because of my long skirt.

That son of a—!

I turned and realize the book was left alone.

I sighed in relief and picked up the soiled book instead. *sigh* at least I got the book back.

I patted the dirt off the book and saw the bite mark and where the saliva actually soaked some pages. I cringed. I just hope Hansem won't joke I did this.

Well, the good thing about this is that it's not mine. Otherwise I would have cooked that mascot myself.

I looked around.



No way!

Is this— am I inside a maze!?!

Tall green walls of bush covered my sight. I walked towards a corner and ended up into another one.

I can't believe this! Not again?!

”Is anybody there? Heeeey!!!” I called out. Staring blankly to the darkening skies.

I don't want to be stuck here until dawn. If that party is still on going, I might actually be.

Unless of course someone, for some reason, try to find me.

I began to move and walk around. Hoping that somehow I can find my way out. I even tried to leave some pebbles and small rocks that I picked up along my path and collected to mark my tracks so to distinguish which directions I already took but to my dismay I only ended up deepening further. Or so I thought, since I found a clearing, a secret garden inside the maze, where a beautiful jade gazebo stood solemnly beside a green lush tree. The tree stood taller than the bushed walls of the maze. It may actually give a view from up high. The branches were close enough with each other and looks sturdy enough to support a child's weight.


A tree...

I just literally commended the tree better than the gazebo. I must be out of my mind!

I rubbed my forehead. Okay, I need to think.

I looked around and tried to shout once again but the dead silence only lurked idly along with the singing of the nocturnal insects.

The entire sky was slowly transitioning darker by the minute. Good thing there were garden lights installed around.

I looked at the tree.


There is no other way, is there?

Well, I can just be more careful this time, I convinced myself.

How much memories of previous lives do I have to regain before I learn not to climb a tree? I wonder.

But if I do regain another, maybe it will disqualify me as the villainess since I have more than two memories. What would that make me then?

... super wise villainess?

”Ahahahaha!!!” I rub the tears of the corner of my eyes from laughing. ”Hahah, yep— I am so doomed.”

I entertain myself too much it's scary.

I took a deep breath and patted my face. Okay, time to focus. I walked under the shade of the solitary tree and as I stared up at its trunk I suddenly remembered Aeron. Oh how he will hate this if he finds out.

I stepped back.

I rather not. I made a pinky promise with him. So I walk towards the gazebo and sat inside. I don't want to make him worry. He might end up crying again. Or worse— he might replace my shadow and formally plaster his feet with mine.

But his crying is more intolerable, honestly speaking.

I remembered when he did. His tiny body trembled as he cried. So innocent and vulnerable looking—

I hauled a sigh in exasperation.

I don't want to risk that ever again.

I stared hopelessly at my feet.

One has a shoe and the other is bare.

My skirt which I used to collect all the tiny rocks and pebbles with is dirty as well, some parts were torned too. Such a disgrace for a Lady like me. I try to comb my long hair but there were knots all over that I can't untangle. I heaved a sigh. I want to be found but not in this state.

All for this stupid—

Eh?!? Where's the book!?

My eyes literally scanning everything around me like a mad man.

I circled to where I stood and back to the entrance of this secret garden. I tried looking here and there but to no avail there was nothing.

I can't believe this! Did I left it behind when I was gathering those pebbles as some kind of flag marks?

I decided to return to the gazebo, at least I can rest there until someone comes for me.

I sighed in defeat.

But do I really want to be found in this state?

I dragged my feet to the gazebo and sat inside. I'm such a mess. Ugh...


Someone walks into the clearing.

”Lady Aerra?”

I can't be seen like this, I thought. Surveying how unpresentable I am. But whoever it is, he's my only ticket out.

I stood there and waited for him to reach me with the glow of his lamp which he held at my eye level, disabling me to have a clear good look at him. ”I never expected finding you in here— of all places too.” He stated as he finally stood few feet away from me. I heard him gasp ”What happened to you?!”

I cringed. Tadaa, I thought.

Yeah yeah, I know I look shit. Can you please take that lamp off my face, I thought to myself.

Obviously I can't say that out loud.

He moves the lamp to the side and it finally lit the same expressionless yet charming face I recognize, with those same cold looking amber eyes and thick long lashes...



”G-good evening, Levi.” I mumbled almost inaudible. Tsk. Damn it.

He turns his head away then puffed out air.

Wah! Did he just chuckle?

”It solves the mystery to your whereabouts the entire day. But at least you look well... err somehow.” He says turning to look at me and smiled warmly.