54 Snatch Ball! (1/1)
We walk out in the bright stadium where everyone seems to be quiet. It seems that no one seems to be excited by our arrival. While on the other end, as soon as the fairies squad arrive, most of the crowd begins to cheer them up. I sigh. So no cheers for us huh? Everyone seems to be downed by them. ”YO HENRY! GO GET EM ALL!” We look behind me and watch Cyan and Sean cheers us on. ”YEP! YOU CAN DO IT!” Cyan gives us a thumbs up. ”Well, at least we got someone to cheer us on.” Just when Jacob says that the whole squad silence arrives behind Sean. ”GO JACOB! GO GET EM!” They are cheering Jacob on. I smile. ”Hey...Ever felt fired up captain?” Jacob asks me. ”Always!” I say. ”I am feeling a fire inside my heart right now.” Jacob says and I smile.
The announcer announces for the roulette to roll as we look at the tiny fairies who are the size of our palm with small tiny wings helping them to fly. Those fairies...They maybe small but they are one of the most powerful mana users in all world. It all depends on what the roulette gives us in terms of games.
The roulette stops and we look at it. The game is called 'Snatch Ball'. Through what the announcer said to us, snatch ball is a game where there is a certain small ball that will be given in the middle and that ball will be tossed in the air. Whoever gets the ball, has to keep it for 5 minutes. Either it's us or the fairies, the team which has the ball at the end of the 5th minute wins.
This is bad...Not only are we at disadvantage but... ”Tell you what.” The squad captain of that fairy team says. She has blue wings, blue eyes, blue long hair and blue clothing...She kinda looks really blue to me. ”We will give you an advantage by letting you take the ball.” She says. ”It will be fun to watch you lose even with an advantage.” She continues with a smirk. ”Are you sure? You might regret saying that.” I say without a shred of concern. ”Yeah, yeah, we got this, you have all the advantage you need.” The fairy captain says to me. ”Alright then.”
The ball arrives in the middle of the arena. ”Well...I guess I will take the ball as soon as-” I am interrupted by Damien. ”Hey, let me start.” Damien says. ”Alright...Go ahead...” I don't know what he is thinking but he seems to have a plan up his sleeves. Better not fail me Damien... ”Wait, the captain isn't stepping up?” The fairy captain whose already in the middle questions. ”Don't worry, he needs me to get the victory on this round.” Damien say with a smirk. ”I see...Interesting...What's your name?” The fairy captain asks. ”It's Damien, Damien Pointer.” Damien says with a smirk. ”My name is Ditty Daligaon. Have a good match.” The fairy captain says. ”BEGINNNNN!!!!!” The announcer announces as Ditty stays down and let's Damien grab the ball. Damien passes down the ball towards Jacob. ”Got it!” Jacob says.
”My ball!” A fairy appears in front of Jacob and catches it. ”What the-?” The fairy takes the ball and begins to run away with it. An ice appears in front of the fairy. That's Ilora's magic. ”Snatch it now!” Ilora commands. Sophie begins to run towards the fairy but the fairy dodges it and throws the ball to Ditty.
”OH NO! I AM SORRY!” Sophie says as she faces the ground. ”Now is no time for it!” Casey says as she runs past Sophie towards Ditty. The crowds cheering on the fairy while there are those who cheer for us too. I create a chain to get Ditty. I throw that chain at her. ”AH! HEY AT LEAST WARN ME!” Ditty says angrily. Brenna snatches the ball and flies up in the sky using her phoenix magic. We look in the sky as Brenna is surrounded by 20 fairies. ”Ugh! Really? 1 on 20? Is that even swear?” Brenna questions with an unsatisfied look.
”HEY CAPTAIN CATCH!” Brenna throws the ball at such a speed that catching it will be almost impossible. ”Tsch!” I have to endure this throw. ”What strength...” Sean says with sweat on her face. ”You have grown stronger....Brenna...” Bruno looks at the match and says. A smile within a locker room. ”Very interesting...What will you do, Rizing's captain?” Hayden questions.
I have to catch this ball...Endure it...Tsch! Why me though? I sigh. I put a palm in front of the ball. Councillor Cao Ping's eyes which are normally closed widen, ”Hmm? Is he using...Chi?” Cao Ping questions. The wind around me begins to spiral in a circle. The ball lands right in front of my hand, I catch it. ”WHAT?! HE STOPPED IT?!” Ditty and the other fairies look surprised. Brenna smiles nervously. ”That bastard of a captain, how much stronger have you gotten since our last fight?” Brenna questions.
I turn around and throw that ball towards Ilora. Ilora catches the ball and creates ice around her. Then she passes on the ball to Grace. Grace kicks the ball towards one of the fairies. ”Wait what?!” I smile. One of the fairies get knocked out, Erica creates a wind around that ball and catches it. ”Sorry fairies but this ball is mine.” Erica says with a smirk and disappears. Erica leaves the ball in front of Livit. A fairy was about to get the ball but Livit uses mercury magic to cover it. ”Nice try.” Livit says with a smile. She isn't fast but her magic travels at a real speed that's for sure. ”Hmm?” The fairy still puts his hand into the mercury and throws the ball back towards the other fairy team.
Shit! This is bad considering there are only 10 seconds remaining in the round....”OH NO!” Livit looks scared. The time is 0:01 seconds to go...Are we going to lose here? This is bad...The time is up...It all ends here for us...Our faces...They were filled with the face of defeat. I mean we did lose here...But at least we are official.
”We won...” Ditty says as she sweats. ”Who won you say?” Damien questions as everyone looks back at Damien who didn't contribute whatsoever to this match. Damien holds the same time of ball that is in Ditty's hand. So that's why...Damien smiles and even me too. ”The ball your having is fake. I have the official match ball which has the official rodeo academy tag.” Damien says walking towards Ditty. ”But how...It's impossible...” Not only Ditty but even Sun the fairy councillor looks confused. ”It's very possible because you left yourself with so many openings by giving us an advantage at the start that even our captain would have easily won this match if he wanted but he gave me the chance to prove that we are a team and we do not rely on the captain. He gave me a chance to prove that we are equals.” Something like that coming from Damien...That's a surprise. ”As for how I got this ball, I always had the ball from the start. I replaced this ball with a ball I bought the other day from the market with prankster magic. Prankster magic made that ball I bought from the market the other day look just like this ball which is quite fascinating...I didn't know I had such a spell until a certain someone told me how even a level 1 spell can be really useful.” Damien says with a smile and begins to leave. By a certain someone...Does he mean me? ”We...Lost...”
Suddenly, there was a cheer from the crowd for us. ”THIS QUITE A SURPRISE FOLKS! SEEMS LIKE WE HAVE AN UNDERDOG TEAM THIS YEAR! LET US CONGRATULATE THEM FOR MOVING ONTO THE SEMI FINALS!” The announcer screams. Honestly, the announcer annoys the shit out of me but for once...I can let it slide...After all, we did get a cheer from the crowd for this victory.
Inside Squad Fighters's locker room, ”Did you see that? Did you see that? Did you see that?” Hayden begins to scratch himself rapidly. ”Yeah...Quite a strong bunch.” Flora says. ”This is getting my blood pumping...I want to fight them, I want to fight them, I WANT TO FIGHT THEM ALL! Especially...That captain of their's...His a very strong one.” A menacing smile in the darkness followed by 19 other.