52 8 Remaining Teams! Rizing Becomes Official! (1/1)

8 teams remain still in this tournament. Last round 8 teams were knocked out. We look at the television screen since our break begin. During this break we discuss our various team strategies and recover our lost mana. Since, we didn't lose much of mana, we are all good and set for the next round. I sigh. ”You guys are really just staring at the screen for no reason.” Ilora says to us. ”You don't understand our heart right now, Ilora!” Jacob says. ”It's pumping with excitement of our announcement of being an actual official rookie squad.” Jacob continues with excitement. I sigh. I hate to admit it but Ilora is right, those peeps they have been staring the television for about 3 hours now, they may get eye strain by doing this.

The tournament shed was closed down so that people would have to sit in sunlight, now it's open completely meaning they are about to begin their announcements for the top 8 battles. Our headmaster, Kurio Kanda has made his way out in the middle of the arena. He begins with greeting everyone and telling everyone about himself and the history of Rodeo academy. He speaks about how there have been some legendary knights or also who are known as the paladins who have graduated through Rodeo academy. Ilora looks at the screen. Normally, she would look away from her father. Guess she's beginning to accept him or I thought so until she looked at him with a different look. As if her eyes were so angry that they wanted to kill him. I don't understand what happened between them that it drastically changed their relationship that they started hating each other that much.

”Now, to make a big announcement, through what the council members said, squad Rizing, the squad who made it through the qualifiers and now are in the top 8, they were given a challenge.” The audience begin to look at each other. ”Squad Rizing is a squad of killers, delinquents and failures, I would consider them to be complete misfits.” The headmaster says. The people begin to get scared of us. ”But what they did here is quite tough for any squad to do. Out of 100's and 1000's of rookie squads would have made it to the top 8 of the tournament and as for they are misfits they actually didn't make any fuss around here which is pretty tough for a squad like them to do.” The headmaster continues. ”So from the side of the council and from the side of knights, I hereby declare Squad Rizing, an official squad!”

The announcement was made. Even though we knew, everyone got excited over it. They were smiles flying all over the locker room except for few unhappy faces. Ilora didn't seem happy, that was quite understandable...I don't know what it is but I am sure it is because of the hate for her own father. On the other hand Brenna looked really uninterested and Hister sat in a corner. Most probably scared to speak but she still looked happy. As for the big mouthed Damien, he seemed to be happy too. That was surprising. I make my way out of the room to go to bathroom.


I look to my right and I see Sophie and Casey kissing each other. Oh boy this is awkward. They are looking straight at me. I didn't have any idea that they were together. ”Sorry!” Casey begins to run away. ”Please pretend you didn't see anything.” Sophie bows and leaves. ”S...Ure....” She didn't even wait for my answer. I sigh. ”I need to go the bathroom.”

I make my way out of the boys washroom and I see Cyan to my right who makes her way out of the girls washroom. ”Yo!” She raises her hand with a smile. That's the first time she has actually acted like that with me. ”Hey...” I say. ”Hey now! Put some energy in your hi's now.” She still has a bossy attitude but there is something different about her. If I had to put it in words it seems like she isn't as rude as she was when I met her the first time. Cyan sighs. ”Anyways, congrats!” She says with a smile. ”Thanks!” I say to her. We begin walking together and having a casual conversation.

Suddenly, someone hits my shoulder from the side. ”Ow! Ow! Sorry, I am too clumsy!” This girl. She has glasses on. She also has long braided black hair which reaches down to her knees. ”Jolly, you shouldn't be wasting your time on opponent who are just complete trash compared to you.” Behind her arrive Flora and Hayden. Tsch! So this girl is a member of their group huh? ”Y-yes mam!” Jolly says with saluting Flora. I sigh.

”Who do you think are you calling trash?!” That voice...I look behind me and...I knew it, it's Ilora. Her cold eyes are staring right at Flora. ”You? I guess you were called the strongest rookie of the first years right?” Flora asks with an evil smirk. Ilora begins to walk towards Flora. She stands right in front of Flora looking right in her eyes. ”So what?” It almost seems like they are about to begin their battle right now. I look to Flora's right and I see at Hayden looking not at me but Cyan. Suddenly, I feel like someone is clinging onto me, like someone is hiding behind me. I look right next to me and look Cyan whose holding onto my jacket. ”Well, see you in the arena, I want to see myself, how much you have improved over the past few months. Doesn't matter though because I will destroy you no matter what.” Flora says as she begins to leave and behind her the other two but Hayden...He seemed to scare Cyan a lot.

”You both are idiots to be qu-” Ilora looks at Cyan clinging onto me. ”What happened to her?” Ilora asks. ”My brother...His a monster...His eyes...His eyes are the worst...They are those of a beast who is on a hunt for it's prey...” Cyan says. I pat Cyan's head. ”Your a coward...” I say. ”HEY! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!” Ilora seems to have been offended but I ignore her. ”And that's a good thing.” Both Ilora and Cyan look confused by what I just said. ”That's a good thing because...You are actually afraid of something and you know what, naturally when a someone is afraid of something evil that's when you can say that someone is actually a kind human and not a monster. You have a kind heart Cyan and that's why you can't lose to your brother whatsoever and even if you lose, embrace that loss as if that is your way of improving.” I say. ”Don't be afraid of your brother but be afraid of what he will say to you if you lose.” I say to Cyan. Cyan looks at me with a surprise eye. ”To put it simply, if you lose against your brother without putting on much fight after such an intense training session I posted for you, not only your brother but I will be disappointed to.” I say and begin to walk back to the locker room.

”THAT BASTARD!” Ilora looks angry. ”His right...” Cyan smiles. Ilora looks confused. ”If I lose to my brother without even going at my full strength...He will be the one most disappointed...SO I WILL NOT LOSE!” Determined Cyan and a smile from Ilora.

”Oh boy...The next match card has already been drawn...It's between us and them...” Sean looks to be sweating as he looks at Cyan and Ilora. ”It's all or nothing in the next round...Maybe...I won't be able to make it to the semis and fight you after all...Henry.” Sean gives a smile. ”BUT I WON'T GIVE UP UNTIL THE NEXT ROUND IS DONE FOR SURE!”