41 Magical Awakening! (1/2)
I can't see anything because of this bright light. What's happening? The light slowly begins to clear up and I open my eyes and look at Jian and Bruno. They are different...Way different...Their mana power...It's off the roof as of right now.
Jian is leaking out a lot of red aura from his body. It's almost as if his leaking out his magic but at the same time controlling his flow within his reach. The aura isn't going away from him like it normally does when magic is leaked out. Rather, it's circulating around him. Same goes for Bruno, the only difference is, his aura is chrome coloured. ”So this is the famous magical awakening I have heard of.” I have heard about magical awakenings, I know that these awakenings are strong, they grant amazing physical and magical powers but the problem with magical awakening is...
”You do realise that now that you have awakened yourself against me, your mana is depleting, right?” Kim asks with an evil smirk. I knew it. Mom once said something about this when she was teaching me about the lore of magic and stuff. This is dangerous because if they both exhaust their mana...If there are any bigger threats then Kim coming here...They may not be able to use magic for quite some time.
”HUH?! STRONG OPPONENT! FIGHT ME!!!” Baltar says holding an Orc. He leaves the Orc and the Orc falls on the ground. He then begins to run towards Jian. ”MY OPPONENT!” He screams as he runs towards Jian.
Jian back-fists Baltar at the wall behind me. ”Get out of here, you have no business here.” Jian says with a cold stare towards Kim. ”Oh my, I might have to get a little serious here or else you might actually cause me trouble.” Kim says as she takes a little serious look to her face. ”Good because we aren't planning on backing down ourselves.” Bruno says as he readies himself.
First clash
Second clash
Third clash
This battle...It's going so fast that I can't even see it. There is no way my eyes can keep up with them. Yima walks towards me holding her hand. She looks at the sky where the Jian and Bruno battle against Kim. ”Unbelievable...What is this...” She says with her eyes widened with surprise. ”I have no idea myself...But their power is much stronger then you can imagine. I never imagined them to be this strong.” I say.
”Send me the creature you hold dear to, send me the guardian of hell, HADES DARK MAGIC: CERBERUS!” Kim chants her spell and a gate covered with dark aura appears behind her with a huge dog with 3 heads comes out of it. ”ATTACK CERBERUS!” Kim orders the dog and it follows, making it's way towards Jian and Bruno.
”His mine!” Bruno says and smashes right through it. Destroying it completely. Kim stands right above Cerberus and as soon as Cerberus gets destroyed, she sidekicks Bruno. Bruno blocks then he smirks. Jian comes from above with his cold eyes ready to attack Kim.
Kim disappears from front of Jian and appears behind him. ”Tsch! I see...Your not only using magic but...You are also using flash speed...” Jian says. ”Took you a while to realise.” Kim says as she kicks Jian and then bounces off of him to punch Bruno. ”Shit!”
Both Jian and Bruno land vertically to each other. I run towards Jian as he lands near me. ”You okay?” I ask. ”I am good.”