26 Preparing For The Academic Tournament! (1/1)

First of all, I need a training ground to cultivate my magic. I know a few ways to do it but I don't think so any of them apply to creation magic. So, I will need a book to help me on creation magic. So, I am going to find out a way to cultivate my creation magic. The first thing I will do tomorrow morning is search for a book on creation magic...After all...I have to catch up with him...

12 hours ago,

Cyan invited me to have lunch with her after the results. ”So, your brother...His strong?” I ask. ”His strong? I would say his strength is indescribable. His capable of being a paladin at his age...” Cyan says. ”A paladin? Isn't that the rank that people with a mana power of above 40,000 have?” I ask. Cyan nods. ”His current mana power is at 29,821. He maybe a year elder to us but that mana power is crazy...I myself...Have a mana power of only 12,326. I am much weaker then him considering I am his younger sister.” She says. When it comes to mana power, the difference of 1 or 50 mana power doesn't make a huge difference but even a mana power of 1000 may make a huge difference. If you have wits and strategy, you maybe able to defeat a higher level mana power. But looking at a difference of almost 23,000 between me and him...That's kind of nuts how powerful this man is...I wonder...What's Ilora's mana power...


Talking about a such huge difference, I will never be able to catch up to him as of right now but if I do things correctly in the next 3 months, then yes! I will be able to play the catch up game. Matter of fact, I will start playing the catch up game starting today! I get off my bed and head to the academy's library.

No time to rest when our dreams depend on one tournament, first thing is first, I need to find something on creation magic. I search everywhere for creation magic but...I couldn't find anything on it. ”What are you doing here at this time, Henry?” I look behind me and it's Jian. ”Oh, Mr. Xong, I was looking for a book on cultivating my creation magic.” I say to him. ”At this time?” He asks me. ”The tournament is only 3 months away and I can't sit back and rest when such an important even awaits us.” I say. ”I see...How very interesting of you to say such a thing. I wouldn't have expected Jill's son to be such a determined boy.” Jian says to me. ”What do you mean, Mr. Xong?” I ask. ”Well, put it simply, she didn't like to do extra work.” That's strange...She was always doing extra work when it came to household chores. Jian sighs. ”You won't find any books on creation magic here, let's go the biggest library of all Regina.” Jian says with a smile. ”Huh? You don't mean...The Library Of The Wise And Knowledged?” I ask. ”Exactly.” He answers.

The library of the wise and knowledged is a place here in the town of Vesta. This is the biggest library in all of Regina. No one has ever seen a library with over 100 million books and no one knows what all of the books within the library represent. The only thing people know is, you demand a book and the library gives it to you and then you have to either pay for that book or return it in 7 days.

We walk a few miles and reach the biggest library in all Regina. It's so huge...This building...No wonder there are so many books here. ”There's your library.” Jian says pointing at a grandma at a vendor store. ”Huh? What?” Wait a minute... ”Is this some kind of joke, Mr. Xong? Because it isn't making me laugh.” I say. ”I am dead serious kid, walk up to that old woman and ask her for a book you want.” Jian says. ”Alright...If you say so...” I say. I begin walking towards the old lady in the vendor shop.

”Ah! A strong one with a righteous heart. He doesn't know about it yet.” The old woman says. ”What a great potential.” She says to me. ”Huh? What?” I ask. ”Nothing, may I ask your order?” The old lady asks. ”Is there a way to cultivate creation magic? I would like a book on that.” The woman smiles. ”You can have all of the creation magic books for free.” The old lady says with a cheerful smile. ”HUUUUUH?!” Not only my but Jian's jaw drops as well. ”They are useless and no one buys them.” She says. ”It's better, I give it to you for free as I have no use of them.” She continues. ”Can I ask how many of them are there?” I ask. She smiles, ”Only 1” She says. ”What? Why were you referring to a single book as books then?” I ask. ”Because you asked for books.” She smiles as she answers. Did I? The old lady swipes her hand and a book with white aura around it appears. ”That's your book, take it.” The old lady says. ”Thank you, old lady.” I say. ”Call me Mary.” The old lady says to me. ”Alright...I guess, old lady Mary...” I say to her. She smiles again. I walk back to Jian with the book. ”It's a surprise you got it for free.” Jian says. ”Yeah...” I say.

With this my training begins! I didn't know about this but...The book had so many tricks and tips up it's sleeve then I could have imagined. Plus, I didn't need a training ground through this book to cultivate the magic. So, I just used the space at the side of our dorm to cultivate my magic. In just 4 days, my mana sky rocketed to almost 10,000...Not only that, In just a week, I was able to create more then multiple things at the same time without exhausting my mana.

Cyan is passing by with her friends. ”His training...” Cyan says looking at me. I can hear it...What? ”Yeah...Unbelievable...He thinks Rizing can be on the top.” I can hear them...How? This isn't creation magic...Don't tell me...My senses have also increased along with my magic...This book...It's unbelievable...

Cyan smiles, ”Don't underestimate him, his a reckless fool who can get you in a bad shape.” She says as she leaves. I smile. ”THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!!!” 3 months...Just 3 months remain...I will definitely beat you...Hayden Rider...That is for sure and this time...I will make sure you don't looks down on people for who they are.