8 Extra: In The Knights Vehicle! (1/1)
”That girl she was damn powerful. WHY DIDN'T YOU STEP IN GURU?! DON'T YOU KNOW TO USE THE EYE OF MANA TOO?!” Victoria asks to Guru who looks straight at Janis. ”All I know is, that she was a friend of Marshal and I didn't want to hurt her.” Guru says to Victoria. ”Friend? Is that little bastard your friend now? Does this mean you can betray us in future when we breakout?” Varrier asks Guru. ”You guys are never going to get out again, we will make sure of it.” The knight in the Knights vehicle says to Varrier. ”Tsch! Whatever, say that when we will be out of here.” Travis says with a wide smile.
”NO! WE AREN'T BREAKING OUT AGAIN! IF THAT MONSTER COMES FOR US WE WILL BE SCREWED COMPLETELY SCREWED!” Janis screams out. ”She's back at it again.” Travis says. ”She's being like this for the whole journey...What do you think made her this scared of that punk?!” Varrier asks Guru. ”Whatever the case, you shouldn't mess with that boy...I have a feeling...His going to get a very strong magical element soon...” Guru says.