4 The Meeting With The Headmaster! (1/2)
Well, it turns out I got a dorm to stay in and this dorm was huge. Almost as if I am staying in some kind of seven star hotel. Damn, it is beautiful. My room number is 1209. Which means my room is on the 12th floor. Saturday was a boring day. I didn't have classes so I decided to stay in my room. All I was waiting for was Sunday. That is when, everything would be decided and our futures as the knight were in our hands. I have gathered the 4 students that the headmaster asked me to gather but one of them...Well, let's just say that she has a 50 to 50 percent of chance to show up and not.
So that leaves me with at least 3 students, which are Jacob, Ashley and recently I spoke with Erica. She without any hesitation decided to join my plan. I didn't question her or anything like that because all I care about is to be a knight and I always worked hard to be a knight. So, I would understand these people who never could be knights but...If this works out...Everyone will have a shot at being a knight.
Well, the day past by and in no time, Sunday had arrived. Just like we planned I arrived outside the headmasters office first. ”Why am I not surprised that I am the first one to arrive here?” I question to myself. I look to my right and see Ilora standing right over there. ”Hey, you came.” I say to Ilora. ”No, I was just passing by. So, I decided to stop by as you did say you were going to be arriving at the headmaster's office at 9.” Ilora says to me. That's a lame lie though.
”Hey! Henry! You are here already.” Jacob says as he and Ashley arrive together. ”Sorry we are late.” Ashley says to me. ”Hey, hey, it's not a big deal.” I say to Ashley. ”Dude, you gotta give me your phone number and your room number because I was trying to find you yesterday but I couldn't.” Jacob says to me. ”Ah yeah, I didn't come out of my room.” I say to Jacob. ”Dude come on, are you some kind of introvert?” Jacob asks me. ”Doesn't matter, give me your phone number and your room number.” Jacob says to me. ”Sure.” I say. I give him my phone number. Ashley took my number too it seems. I think so both are calm because they haven't noticed Ilora yet or else they would have been screaming by now.
”And well my room number is 1209.” I say and suddenly I hear a surprised 'huh?' from behind me. ”HUH?!!!!!!” Both Ashley and Jacob come to their senses. ”WHEN DID SHE GET HERE?! NO! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!” Jacob asks me pointing his finger at Ilora and screaming. Just like I thought both Ashley and Jacob had no idea about Ilora being here. Why am I not surprised?
”Why do you think? She is one of the 4 members that's going to meet the headmaster with us.” I say. ”Hey, I never agreed to that.” Ilora whispers in my ears. ”Agree or not, you arrived here on my saying and that's why you have to come with us. Whether you like it or dislike it. It doesn't matter to me.” I say to Ilora looking right into her eyes. She looks away from me to her right. ”Yo, everyone. Nice to see you all agreed to come here. It's a surprise that even Ilora came here.” Erica arrives and chuckles with her final statement. Ilora gives Erica an angry look. This look was different that the look she always has on her face.
”Alright, now that everyone is here, let's go.” I say to everyone. Everyone except Ilora nods. I open the door to the headmaster's office. The headmaster seems to be talking with Mr. Daniel. The timing for my class teacher and headmaster talking at the same time we arrive wouldn't have been any more perfect then now. ”Oh, it's you new kid.” Mr. Daniel greets me with a smile. ”I guess you have completed the challenge I gave you.” The headmaster says to me. ”Yes indeed, I have brought 4 students to this meeting like you challenged.” I say respond to the headmaster's comment.
”So who are those students?” The headmaster asks me. Ashley, Erica and Jacob come into the the headmaster's office. I look back and see Ilora stand still and not walk into the office. ”So, should I assume that Ilora Kaori is the 4th student?” The headmaster asks me. ”Yes sir.” I stand firm and say. ”So, why isn't she walking into my office? This is a private conversation we need to have. So the doors need to be close.” The headmaster says to me. His eyes are completely different from before. They are...Completely empty...No feelings whatsoever. Wasn't he smiling just a minute ago? Does he hate Ilora just as she hates him? Tsch! This situation is bad. The most probable thing Ilora will do in such a situation is...
”As you wish headmaster, I shall leave.” Ilora says. ”Didn't I tell you even talking to her is a bad idea?” Jacob asks me. ”No one's going anywhere!” That's the Mr. Daniel's voice. ”Teacher?” Ashley looks completely puzzled at what had just happened. Ilora looks at Mr. Daniel with an angry eye. ”You aren't going to abandon your one hope of becoming a knight are you?” Mr. Daniel...His straight on point. ”You know, out of all the students in squad Rizing, you are the one who is the most capable of being a knight.” Mr. Daniel says to Ilora. ”You aren't going throw that chance away and be called some kind of trash mercenary like me, are you?” Mr. Daniel is a mercenary? That's the first time I have heard about it...
”So what if I want will be called a trash mercenary? What's it to you?” Ilora asks Mr. Daniel. ”HEY! HOW CAN YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO BIG BRO CASTER?!” Jacob lashes out on Ilora. He was about to start using his spell. I put a hand in front of him. ”What are you doing Henry?” Jacob asks me. ”Let the teach handle this.” I reply to Jacob. ”Thank you new kid. I was about to stop him anyways.” Mr. Daniel says to me.
”You want to be a mercenary huh? Let me tell you the life of a mercenary. They are treated like homeless beggars looking for a home, like horses who are attached to the horse-cart. They are treated like people who are even lower then shit itself. Our lives are fucked up. You want to be a part of that life. Don't make a joke! You wouldn't even survive a single day if you live a life of a mercenary because you will never be able to handle the torture and trauma a mercenary goes through. You have a chance to live a better life and a chance to be protector of the people, praised by the people. You better not let that go or else you will regret it forever. That's all I will say, if you still want to go you can go forth and be a mercenary but.....DON'T YOU EVER DRAG THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HELPING YOU DOWN!!!!! That...Is worse that a sin...” Mr. Daniel...He was a completely different person right now than the time I first met him. ”Big bro Caster...” Jacob looks surprised and touched by Mr. Daniel's words.