1 Welcome To Rodeo Academy! (1/2)

”And the our proud knights saves the day again. This time, they hunted down a huge dragon which was about to attack our town of Lufia.” The news reporter on the T.V. announced as the knights wearing blue mage's robes marched towards the council house. That was the time when I decided to become a knight. The strongest knight the country would have ever seen and hence with all my hard work and effort years later, I finally made it to Rodeo academy. The best this country has to offer.

”As of right now, I, Henry Marshal shall be learning in Rodeo academy.” I say to myself as I realise a drop of water falls on my head. ”Huh?” I look up in the sky. A whole tide of tsunami makes it's way towards me as I wake up from my beautiful dream. ”Tsch! Do you need to wake me up like that mom? It's frustrating you know.” I say to my mom who gives me a death glare. ”If you don't get ready for school in the next 10 minutes, I will give you the food that I left for Tommy.” Mom says to me. ”Hell no! I am getting ready right now!” I don't waste any time to get ready. There is no way I am eating literal dog food.

I make my way to the kitchen as I see curry ready for breakfast. ”Mom curry again?” I ask mom who pets Tommy our little pup. ”Oh so you prefer Tommy's food? You should have told me I would have got that ready for you.” Mom says with a death glare towards me. ”Fine jeez, I will eat what's in front of me mom.” Mom is actually really scary. She is young and she was also an ex-knight. Someone who was admired within her squad.

I eat my food and make my way towards the school like any other day. my mother's name is Jill Marshal. The reason she looks like she's still in her late 20's is because she is actually just 28 years old. Fun fact is she isn't my real mother, I was...Adopted by her when I was little. She has been taking care of me since I was just 2 years old. I still can't believe she was just 14 when she took care of me and she still does even now.

Another boring day at the school ends, there really isn't much that I do at my school. All I do is study and nothing else. I really don't have any friends. They all look at me as a poor and disgraceful person. Well, money does play a huge factor wherever you go in this world. The rich are respected while the poor are treated like pigs, slaves and are often ignored. There is nothing we can do to change that in this world.

I carry a sad face as I think about reality. That is the truth after all. ”Becoming a knight can only be true in my dreams.” I sigh. I am just lucky that no one hasn't bullied me yet because if they would have I would have to suck up to them because I don't have the noble like power like them. Nobles, they have a lot of power or in other words their mana is unbelievably high. In this world, the nobles can easily become a knight with the amount of mana they hold. They are definitely quite impressive.

I reach home. ”I am home.” I say but there is no response from mother. ”She must be sleeping.” I begin to make my way towards the kitchen as I was hungry. Hopefully, mom didn't finish all of the curry from this morning. A sound appears as I take a step towards the kitchen.


”What's this?” I look down on the ground where I step. I see red..... ”BLOOD!” There is red blood trail that leads up to the kitchen. ”Why is there blood over here? This doesn't make any sense.”

My eyes widen as I realised something. ”Mom...?” I quickly run towards the kitchen. ”MOM!” I scream as I rush into the kitchen. I look at my mom who is standing near the kitchen basin. ”Oh hey there Henry...Didn...'t...Expect you so...Early...” Mom clearly wasn't speaking like herself and she was holding her stomach. ”Mom, what happened?” I ask mom as looks at me and smiles. ”Listen Henry...I don't have much time right now...But...” Mom pulls out a paper from her pocket. ”Take that...It will be helpful...” I take the paper from mom. ”Alright, I will use this paper but first let's get you to a hospital.” I say. ”THERE IS NO TIME! Those people...They are...Waiting outside...” Mom's breathing begins to get faster. ”What people? Who are you talking about mom?!”

Just then,


I hear the entrance door slam down. ”What was that?!” I look towards mom and she pushes me. ”100 words and 100 dimensions I send you to every one so you reach your destination,

MAGICAL ELEMENT: SPATIAL TRANSFER!” Those are...Magical incantations...No...That is a level 3 magical spell...How does mom know it though? ”That paper give it to that old bastard.” She smiles and before I could have any of the questions answered, I suddenly drop in front of an old man who seems to be standing in front of a stand. ”Ow! Ow! That hurts. Where did I fall off to?” I question as I get up. This place...The moment I gazed onto it I was reminded of Rodeo Academy. The old man who stood int front of me blinked his eyes sometimes before asking me, ”Who are you, young child?” I look confused and then I tilt my head a little towards right. I get a glance of it...They were all...”No way...” This cannot be happening...I am really at...”Rodeo Academy...”

I soon realise that all the security had their attention towards me and were ready to take me down the moment I did something wrong. Shit! I am big trouble here...But why would mom teleport me here out of all places? I don't get it. ”Young one...You haven't answered me yet. Who are you and how did you breach the barriers of our academy?” The old man asks me his question again. How do I explain to him that somehow, my mother used a level 3 magic spell and teleported me here? Damn it, I am in a really really huge trouble. Why teleport me here mom? I know you wouldn't do any mistakes. I know...That paper...No but if I go to check that paper they will definitely attack me. They will think I am removing some kind of weapon to kill them which could result in me getting in an even worse trouble than this. What do I do now? Is there anyway out of this? Think about it Henry...Think about it...

Just then someone behind me says, ”I found out details I could about him headmaster Kurio. His name is Henry Marshal, age 16, studies at Yeti high of Lufia, he has a single mother and her name is Jill Marshal-” The old man's eyes widen and he interrupts the girl spitting details about me. ”Take him to my office, I want to speak with him alone.” The old man says to the guards. ”Yes sir.” The guards obediently say saluting him. After I went following the guards to the headmasters office the headmaster continued his speech.

The headmaster took quite some time but he finally made it to the office after all it is on the 2nd floor. The headmaster stood in front of the window. ”I wonder what the son of the invincible warrior is doing in my academy.” The headmaster says to me. ”YOU KNEW MY MOTHER?!” I question with clear shock in my voice. ”Of course I knew her, I was the leader of her squad back in the days. She was quite strong and invincible. No one could even come close to her.” The headmaster says to me...But I know that this isn't true because today...I saw my mom injured in front of my eyes...