9 Young Mysterious (1/2)

Zao Tian believed vehemently that he could defeat those three.

As he ran back, Zao Tian was practicing another martial technique he had read of: The Gray Wolf Claw. This technique consisted in concentrating spiritual power at the tips of the fingers and solidifying them to the point where they would become extremely sharp claws.

Zao Tian applied the 'Gray Wolf Claw' and his fingers were like the claws of a wild wolf.

”I'm going to kill you both! Do you think you can talk to me like this? I'll open you in the middle. ”The stout man shook his whip one more time as the two men behind him laughed as if tasting it.

* Swishh *. ”Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” a miserable cry came. Surprisingly who shouted was not Zao Xin or Zao King, it was the stout man with the whip up.

The stout man looked down in extreme terror. A cut of the width of a human hand, it ran from his neck to his basin. His internal organs, beginning with the gut, spread across the floor. ”Ahhhhhhhhh somebody help me ...” He screamed in despair before falling.

The two men behind the stout man were stunned. What they saw ... It was an image of extreme cruelty. The boy standing before them and covering his head with an old shirt, with bare hands, opened the robust man like a pig.

Zao Xin and Zao Rei were also bewildered. They were facing certain death and somehow that boy appeared to help them, simply who was he? No one had eyes for these villages, no one but themselves cared for them. Did someone decide to look after them?

Doubts crept into the hills inside the heads of Zao Xin and Zao King. They saw the two remaining men frightened and cursing.

”Who the hell are you, brat? Do you know what you got into? How dare you kill him? We are employees of the red iron mines. Our boss is sure to kill every one of those you love. ”One of the men snorted and began to pull out the hatchet.

”After you have finished with them, your boss will be next.” * Swoosh *. The boy advanced at a high speed against the man with the hatchet.

* Pshhhhh *. Blood spurted along as brains flew. The young man's hand was straight and had just crossed the head of the man who took the hatchet. Not even a cry was uttered.

Faced with this scene of horror, the remaining man simply gave up taking any action against the boy. * poof * He fell to his knees and slammed his forehead on the floor as he begged for his life: ”Please do not ... Do not kill me. It was them ... They forced me to come here ... I'm a good person, I even wanted to stop them, but ... If I said something I would die too ... Please ... Please young master ... Save me ... please. ”The man begged desperately.

Gold who watched the whole scene told Zao Tian: ”Boy, you're cruel.”

Zao Tian replied: ”Do not abuse my power to be cruel at random. If you do not offend me or provoke me, I will not offend you or provoke you, somehow I will be courteous. However ... if someone does something against me or the ones I love, if they offend me or provoke me, I will definitely make them pay the worst of the price. ”

Gold: ”Oh! So you must have realized that this man is lying right? ”

Zao Tian ”Absolutely! I saw the pleasure emblazoned in his eyes as that stout man attacked my family. ”