27 Interesting... (1/1)
Denki: What's interesting?
Maria: Well, living for as long as I have comes with some perks.One of them is a machine that allows you to connect your minds together and fight in a virtual reality.
Mirai: If such technology existed then why haven't you sold it for money or to benefit the world.
Maria: This technology was a gift to me and I won't allow anyone to take it from me.
Midoriya: Who was it that gave it to you?
Maria: That's for another day.I want to see a battle between three members of the young generation.
Maria brought us to the room where she kept the machine.Apparently, it was a supercomputer that could scan the mind and body of anyone that uses it and convert it to data.That data will go through the machine and it will use your body anatomy as the basis for the body given to you in the virtual reality.She hooked a dome looking device over each of our heads and started up the machine.I close my eyes and waited to transfer into the supercomputer.I heard the words ”link start” as my mind shifted into the machine.The next thing I knew I was in the U.A. stadium that held the battles for the festival.I walked up the stage and saw Midoriya and Mirai looking up as well.
Denki: Let's have some fun.I want to see how I stack up against the two of you.
Midoriya: I'll do my best.
Mirai: I can beat you if you don't use your black lightning.
The supercomputer seemed to notice our intentions since a realistic version of Present Mic showed up and yelled, ”START!!!!!”
Midoriya activated One for All: Full Cowling and dashed at Mirai.Mirai dodges Midoriya's punch as if he knew it was coming and punched him in the stomach.Taking this opportunity, I sent a flurry of blue lightning bolts at Mirai and Midoriya.Midoriya quickly retreats while Mirai closes his eyes and moves in a very unusual position to dodge my bolts.It was at this point that I curved them back toward him and dash toward Mirai while charging up a thunder punch.Mirai sidestepped out of the way of the lightning bolts and they headed toward me.I absorb the lightning bolts as they hit me and use them to boost my speed even faster.Mirai didn't have enough time to react was hit dead on in the face with my thunder punch.Mirai stumbled backwards and was left a little dazed after the attack.Before I could even celebrate my victory Midoriya broke one of his fingers and sent a shock wave at me.I let my guard down so I was hit dead on with the attack and was sent flying toward the edge of the stage.My whole body was wracked with pain, but I can't dwell on such things right now as the fight wasn't over.Midoriya sent another shock wave in my direction, but since I was aware of it, I use my electricity to quickly move out of the way and dash toward Midoriya.I shortened the distance between us when Mirai comes seemingly out of nowhere and throws a kick in my direction.I used my electricity to enhance not only my speed but reflexes as well.I managed to catch Mirai kick before it hits me.Mirai only chuckles and says that I should have been hit.I push Mirai off me and discharge a 100 million indiscriminate shock.Mirai's quick reflexes aren't enough to dodge this attack in such close proximity and ends up getting electrocuted by my bolts.Mirai falls to the ground and I shift my focus onto Midoriya.Midoriya manages to dodge it by jumping up in the air, but he left himself wide open like that for an attack.I sent a bunch of blue lighting at him but Midoriya uses another shock way to push himself out of the way and towards the stage.I sent out about fifty bolts of blue lightning to trap Midoriya and force him into submission.Midoriya tried to use his speed to dodge the bolts but even though he avoided a few, he couldn't avoid them all.Midoriya's clothes were ripped up and he looked pretty pathetic with some of his fingers broken as well.I thought it was time to finish this when Mirai came up from behind me and holds me in a full nelson.I release my electricity to get him off, but he endures it as Midoriya breaks another finger and sends both myself and Mirai off the stage.