11 The next day? (1/1)
I woke up and frantically looked around only to see a familiar sight.It seems that I've woken up in my room.I don't understand how I could be here.I didn't tell anyone where I was and I was about to die. I could feel myself slipping away and the last thing I remember was seeing a silver light.I look at my clothes and instead of the villains uniform I was wearing my regular clothes.If it wasn't for the marks on my neck and my dyed hair I would've though yesterday was a dream.I get up and wash the dye out of my hair returning me to my regular blonde hairstyle.I get dressed for class and head downstairs only to look at the time and realize that I'm going to be super late to class.As I rushed to school yet again I wondered what became of Kyoka and if she's back home where she belongs.Maybe she was saved by a pro hero, but if that was the case then I should've been taken to a hospital instead of my home.Unfortunately, I arrived late and Aizawa assigned me extra homework for doing so.When lunch rolled around I went to speak to a noticeably brighter Jiro.
Denki: Your looking better than usual today. Anything happen?
Jiro: Yes. After all this time Kyoka was finally reunited with us, but she's still in bad shape.She's currently resting in the hospital.It seems a powerful person has arrived in Japan and everyone is looking for him.Everyone is in a frenzy looking for him.
I look at Jiro dumbly and ask her whats she's talking about.She looks surprised that I didn't know about it.
Jiro: Every news station is talking about it.Apparently, a silver bolt of lightning erupted from an underground base and destroyed everything in its wake.Buildings were completely obliterated and turned into dust.It was then when they saw a mysterious figure in a black cloak with silver lightning around him carrying Kyoka on his back as he escaped.It seems the guy was there to rescue Kyoka.
Some of our classmates overheard our conversation and decide to join in.
Asui (Frog quirk): There's even speculation that they think he's here to challenge All Might's spot as the number one hero based on strength of his power.
Kirishima (Hardening quirk): There's no way this guy's stronger than All Might. Don't forget that All Might has way stronger then this random guy who just appeared out of nowhere.
Midoriya (One for All quirk): I agree with Kacchan since there's just not enough evidence about his quirk or his abilities to reach that conclusion.Especially since we don't know if that blow was the guy's current limits.We don't know if has the energy or power to keep making powerful blows like the one he did in Tropical City.
There might be some negative consequence huh, but I feel fine. At least for now.I decide to go visit Kyoka another day with Jiro. Later on, I started walking back to Tropical city. I wanted to see firsthand the damage I've done.After arriving on the sight I was in complete shock.There was a massive hole in the ground that spread down the block.Hopefully no one was hurt because then I would have to take responsibility. Thank god no one thinks I did it.I left the scene of the crime only to see a few memorable pro hero's as I passed by such as Endeavor and Best Jeanist. I went home and down to the training room to see if anythings wrong with my body.I tried activating my quirk only to realize that even though I could it was weaker than usual. Not only that but it seems the black lightning in my body has been totally blocked off. We'll it wasn't like I could use it anyway.Don't do drugs kids.