12 Chapter 12:How to Train your Slime (1/2)

Eva:Due to the indecent nature of the research, it had to been done in secret. Luckily the research was created and funded by nobles, making it easy to run and hide since nobles could give the research money to run, land to work with, and guards to protect.

Most of the land was used to grow and breed herbs used in their research; aphrodisiacs, special plants, and special medicines. This research was used for the first two books that were written. The first book is about the herbs they grew and bred, while the second book contained the research and recipes for potions and pills that were created.

Meanwhile, the research done by Magicians and craftsmen were used to write the third and fourth books. The third book lewd magic that they created, while the fourth book contained information and blueprints of magic tools they created; vibrates, BSM stuff, and slave magic we're products of these books.

Shomei:The magic tools parts isn't that great if all it does is vibrate. Modern technology can create that.

Eva:User should dis the magic tools that were created. Can modern technology bind the sensation a dildo gets, to the User's dick? Allowing you someone to feel the sensation of being inside multiple woman.

Shomei:No. I guess I shouldn't understand their research.

Eva:Ok moving on, the last book contains research done by someone who had a similar mindset as the User and was creating creatures that can be used for indecent deeds. Just like the User's slimes. The User should read this book, it'll be a source of knowledge.

Shomei:That's a good idea.

Making the fifth book, I skipped to the chapter on slimes. There, it had information on what I can feed to my slimes for certain effects and how to train my slime.

Reading the training methods I saw that they used potions and herbs that were produced during the research to give the slimes different effects.

Looking at the different effects I could give my slimes, my eye focused on an impotent potion they create before giving the effect to their slimes and sending said slime to their ”enemies”.

Interested, I also create the first and second books. Reading them, their was lot of interesting potions and pills that I found. There was a pill that ”helps with growth”, controls pregnancy, Increase certain liquid production in males and females, etc.

For science, I made myself ”growth pills”... all I can say is that I'm amazed by the results.

Not limited by resources like the researchers, I gave all of my slimes the best aphrodisiacs that were in the book. Focusing on my slimes for now, there was two training methods that caught my eye.

The first training was similar to what I was going already, but involved real woman. Unfortunate for the woman was that their wasn't a slaves crest created yet and a lot of lives were sacrificed doing this part of the research. Since I wasn't limited by resources again, I made woman's clothing and kept feeding it to the slimes. I mainly made medieval clothing because training the slimes to eat clothing from earth would be worthless here.

To speed up the slime's training, I gave myself the skill [C. Lvl:1 Teaching] and gave all the slimes [B-. Lvl:1 Enhanced Intelligence]. Since I didn't need the slimes to do anything complicated or wanted them to become super intelligent, I didn't level up the skill and ability.

Since I would really talk with the slimes, I gave myself the ability [B-. Lvl:10 Telepathy] before it turning into [B+. Lvl:1 Group Telepathy]

Telepathically listening to what the slimes are saying; whenever I made woman's clothing, all the slimes said food.

Although the slimes thinking that woman's clothing as food is alright, I didn't want them to eat every girls clothes on sight.